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What do Network In and Network Out mean in Amazon?

If you got an instance with 10 Gigabit Ethernet. What does it mean? How much bytes do you have in Network In and how much in Network Out as maximum?

In the reports of Cloud Watch I can see 80,000,000 in Network In, and 800,000,000 in Network Out. When it is coming close to 120,000,000 in Network In the site starts to load slow and some pictures or assets don't load. Is it the maximum?

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Marco Florian Avatar asked Oct 18 '14 22:10

Marco Florian

People also ask

What is network in and network out?

When a doctor, hospital or other provider accepts your health insurance plan we say they're in network. We also call them participating providers. When you go to a doctor or provider who doesn't take your plan, we say they're out of network.

What is network in in AWS?

AWS networking services allow customers to separate their cloud infrastructure, scale-up workload request and even connect the physical network to personal private virtual networks.

What is network in bytes?

The network is always considered to be the "outside", and the CPU etc. to be the "inside". "Bytes In" is the amount of data received through that interface (i.e to your host from the network). "Bytes Out" is the amount of data sent through that interface (from your host to the network).

1 Answers

  1. 10 Gigabit Ethernet, assume it is full duplex, so maximum Network In=max Network Out = 10 Gbps / 8 = 1.25 GB/second.

Gbps: Gigabit per second; GB: Giga Byte; MB: Mega Byte

  1. Cloud Watch, 80,000,000 in Network In means 80MB per 60 seconds. 120,000,000 in Network In => 120MB / 60s => 2 MB/s => 16 Mbps, it far from the maxium 100 Mbps. But it still depend on what instance type you use.

http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/viewing_metrics_with_cloudwatch.html https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/why-do-aws-cloudwatch-and-datadog-seem-to-disagree/

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Tho Ho Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Tho Ho