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What distributed process registries are available for Erlang?

I'd like to compile a reasonably complete list of distributed process registry libraries for Erlang.

Such libraries need to support basic operations like register_name(Pid, Name) and whereis_name(Name) (and ideally registered_names/0). Names shouldn't be restricted to atoms only, and these registration/lookup operations need to work reasonably reliably with multiple nodes participating in the registry (ignoring partitions for now).

So far I've come up with global, gproc and nprocreg. What others are available?

like image 545
archaelus Avatar asked Mar 16 '11 00:03


1 Answers

I would argue that riak_core is such. I use its partition ring + consistent hashing to find the node, together with a local gproc instance to find the exact process. Thus I get very fine balance between fault tolerance, availability and speed.

like image 116
loxs Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
