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What criteria should I use to evaluate a Perl "app server" (mod_perl replacement)?

Short version:

What criteria should I use to evaluate possible candidates for a Perl "app server" (mod_perl replacement)?

We are looking for some sort of framework which will allow executing various Perl programs repeatedly (as a service) without the costs of:

  1. re-launcing perl interpreter once per each execution

  2. loading/compiling Perl modules once per execution

(both of which are the benefits that running mod_perl provides)


  • We do NOT much care about any additional benefits afforded by mod_perl too much, such as deep Apache integration.

  • This will be a pure app server, meaning there is no need for any web specific functionality (it's not a problem if the app server provides it, just won't be needed).

  • We will of course consider the obvious criteria (raw speed, production-ready stability, active development, ability to run on OSs we care about). What I'm interested in is less trivial and subtle things that we may wish from such a framework/server.


At $work, the powers that be decided that they want to replace a current situation (simple webapps being developed in Embperl and deployed via Apache/mod_perl).

The decision was made to use a (home-grown) MVC system that will have a Java Spring front end for the View; and the Controller will parsel out back-end service requests to per-app services that perform Model duties (don't get hung up on details of this - it's not very relevant to the main question).

One of the options for back-end services is Perl, so that we can leverage all our existing Perl IP (libraries, webapp backend code) going forward, and not have to port 100% of it to Java.

To summarize:

    | View    | Model/app | Model loaded/executed by:                          |
OLD | Empberl | Model.pm | mod_perl has Model.pm loaded, called from view.epl  |
NEW | Java    | Model.pm | perl generic_model.pl -model Model (does "require") |

Now, those of you who did Perl Web development for a while, will immediately notice the most glaring problem with the new design:

    | Perl interpreter starts  | Perl modules are loaded and compiled |
OLD | Once per mod_perl thread | Once per mod_perl thread
NEW | Once per EVERY! request  | Once per EVERY! request              |

In other words, in the new model, we no longer have any performance benefits afforded by mod_perl as a persistent server side app container!!!

Therefore, we are looking at possible app containers to serve the same function.

(as a side note, yes, we thought about simply running an instance of Apache with mod_perl as such an app container, as a viable possibility. However, since web functionality is not required, I'd like to see if any other options may fit the bill).

like image 407
DVK Avatar asked Jun 07 '13 13:06


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How to find out what version of mod perl I have installed?

The version will also appear in your apache error log if you have server tokens on. Show activity on this post. The first checks for mod_perl, version 999. Since that doesn't exist, it will output the actual version you have installed or an error saying it can't be found in the @INC. The second does the same thing, but for mod_perl2.

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How to write the same script using the Apache Perl API?

So the following script can be used as well: Of course you can write the same script using the Apache Perl API: Save this script in the /home/httpd/perl/mod_perl_rules2.pl file. Now make both of the scripts executable and readable by the server.

Why should I use mod_perl?

With mod_perl you give up nothing and gain so much! mod_perl gives you a persistent Perl interpreter embedded in your web server. This lets you avoid the overhead of starting an external interpreter and avoids the penalty of Perl start-up time, giving you super-fast dynamic content.

1 Answers

Starman is a High-performance preforking PSGI/Plack web server that may be used in that context. It's easy to build a REST application that serves stateless JSON objects (this is a simple use case).

Starman is a production-ready server and it's really easy to install a set of Starman instances behind a reverse-proxy (this SO question may helps you), for scaling purposes

like image 192
Miguel Prz Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 18:10

Miguel Prz