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What causes and what are the differences between NoClassDefFoundError and ClassNotFoundException?

What is the difference between NoClassDefFoundError and ClassNotFoundException?

What causes them to be thrown? How can they be resolved?

I often encounter these throwables when modifying existing code to include new jar files. I have hit them on both the client side and the server side for a java app distributed through webstart.

Possible reasons I have come across:

  1. packages not included in build.xml for the client side of code
  2. runtime classpath missing for the new jars we are using
  3. version conflicts with previous jar

When I encounter these today I take a trail-and-error approach to get things working. I need more clarity and understanding.

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krisp Avatar asked Sep 22 '09 02:09


People also ask

What causes NoClassDefFoundError?

java. lang. NoClassDefFoundError is runtime error thrown when a required class is not found in the classpath and hence JVM is unable to load it into memory.

What is the difference between NoClassDefFoundError and?

The difference between the two is that one is an Error and the other is an Exception . With NoClassDefFoundError is an Error and it arises from the Java Virtual Machine having problems finding a class it expected to find.

What is the difference between ClassNotFoundException and no class def found error in Java?

As the name suggests, ClassNotFoundException is an exception while NoClassDefFoundError is an error. ClassNotFoundException occurs when classpath does not get updated with required JAR files while error occurs when the required class definition is not present at runtime.

What causes ClassNotFoundException in Java?

ClassNotFoundException is a checked exception which occurs when an application tries to load a class through its fully-qualified name and can not find its definition on the classpath. This occurs mainly when trying to load classes using Class. forName(), ClassLoader. loadClass() or ClassLoader.

1 Answers

The difference from the Java API Specifications is as follows.

For ClassNotFoundException:

Thrown when an application tries to load in a class through its string name using:

  • The forName method in class Class.
  • The findSystemClass method in class ClassLoader.
  • The loadClass method in class ClassLoader.

but no definition for the class with the specified name could be found.

For NoClassDefFoundError:

Thrown if the Java Virtual Machine or a ClassLoader instance tries to load in the definition of a class (as part of a normal method call or as part of creating a new instance using the new expression) and no definition of the class could be found.

The searched-for class definition existed when the currently executing class was compiled, but the definition can no longer be found.

So, it appears that the NoClassDefFoundError occurs when the source was successfully compiled, but at runtime, the required class files were not found. This may be something that can happen in the distribution or production of JAR files, where not all the required class files were included.

As for ClassNotFoundException, it appears that it may stem from trying to make reflective calls to classes at runtime, but the classes the program is trying to call is does not exist.

The difference between the two is that one is an Error and the other is an Exception. With NoClassDefFoundError is an Error and it arises from the Java Virtual Machine having problems finding a class it expected to find. A program that was expected to work at compile-time can't run because of class files not being found, or is not the same as was produced or encountered at compile-time. This is a pretty critical error, as the program cannot be initiated by the JVM.

On the other hand, the ClassNotFoundException is an Exception, so it is somewhat expected, and is something that is recoverable. Using reflection is can be error-prone (as there is some expectations that things may not go as expected. There is no compile-time check to see that all the required classes exist, so any problems with finding the desired classes will appear at runtime.

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coobird Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09
