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What are these SDActivityAdvertiser processes in my Mac OSX system log

I checked my console app and found many of these entries in my log:

17:20:24.680 : SDActivityAdvertiser::continuity:didFailToStartAdvertisingOfType:withError: Activity (Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (com.apple.identityservices.error-Fehler 200.))

By many, I mean about 30 in the last 3 minutes. Somebody know what's this all about?

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anthnyprschka Avatar asked May 05 '15 09:05


People also ask

How can I tell if my Mac is being monitored?

Mac users: Follow these steps To open the Activity Monitor, hit Command + Spacebar to open Spotlight Search. Then, type Activity Monitor and press Enter. Check over the list for anything you don't recognize. To close out a program or process, double click, then hit Quit.

How can you tell if a Mac is a suspicious process?

Look for any suspicious processes that are running on your Mac. On the menu bar, click Go, and then select Utilities. Double-click Activity Monitor. Review the list for any processes that look suspicious to investigate further.

What does Mac Activity Monitor tell me?

You can find out how much energy your Mac is using, and see which apps or processes are using the most energy.

1 Answers

In the General pane of System Preferences, uncheck the box marked Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices

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starcraftOnCrack Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10
