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Rails - How to change log level for ActionController::RoutingError

Is there a way to change the log level for ActionController::RoutingError?
I'd like to change it from Error to Warning. Googled around and haven't found a solution...
I'd like just the routing errors to show up as warnings. but not change other logging behaviors.
One possible workaround (or part of that workaround) is described here https://stackoverflow.com/a/5386515/10272 but that's not exactly what I want. In this solution they just add a catch-all router for page-not-found errors and then deal with it in the catch-all-controller. But I'd like to be able to just change the log severity, if that's possible, it seems to better describe my intent...

like image 253
Ran Avatar asked Feb 02 '12 07:02


1 Answers

I solved this in Rails 5.2 using the following in an intializer:

# /config/initializers/routing_error_logger_defatalizer.rb

# Spammers and script kiddies hit the site looking for exploits
# which blows up our logs as we get a bunch of fatal errors for 404s on eg. "/wp-admin.php"
# This initializer changes the log level of RoutingErrors to 'warn' (so they still appear in logs but are not fatal)
# this means we can use logging notifications on eg. >= error without all the false positives
# ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33827663/hide-actioncontrollerroutingerror-in-logs-for-assets
# ref: https://github.com/roidrage/lograge/issues/146#issuecomment-461632965
if Rails.env.production?
  module ActionDispatch
    class DebugExceptions
      alias_method :old_log_error, :log_error
      def log_error(request, wrapper)
        if wrapper.exception.is_a?  ActionController::RoutingError
          # Have prepended "[404]" to the message for easier log searches, otherwise it is the default Rails messaging
          # Full message eg. "[404] ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] \"/wp-login.php\")"
          logger(request).send(:warn, "[404] ActionController::RoutingError (#{wrapper.exception.message})")
          old_log_error request, wrapper

For Rails 4.2 use:

if Rails.env.production?
  class ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions # Rails 4.2
    alias_method :old_log_error, :log_error
    def log_error(request, wrapper)
      if wrapper.exception.is_a?  ActionController::RoutingError
        # Have prepended "[404]" to the message for easier log searches, otherwise it is the default Rails messaging
        # Full message eg. "[404] ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] \"/wp-login.php\")"
        logger(request).send(:warn, "[404] ActionController::RoutingError (#{wrapper.exception.message})")
        old_log_error request, wrapper
like image 154
jaredlt Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
