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What are the purposes of files in META-INF folder of an APK file?

What are the purposes of MANIFEST.MF, CERT.SF and CERT.RSA file in the META-INF folder in an android APK.

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Live Seven Avatar asked Sep 03 '16 04:09

Live Seven

People also ask

What is the purpose of META-INF?

The META-INF directory The manifest file that is used to define extension and package related data. This file is generated by the new "-i" option of the jar tool, which contains location information for packages defined in an application or extension.

What is META-INF in APK?

What is the META-INF folder Android? Jar files are used by all types of java applications, they have a specific structure – the META-INF folder contains the manifest information and other metadata about the java package carried by the jar file.

What is META-INF folder in Web application?

The META-INF folder is the home for the MANIFEST. MF file. This file contains meta data about the contents of the JAR. For example, there is an entry called Main-Class that specifies the name of the Java class with the static main() for executable JAR files.

Where is META-INF folder?

Basically it has to be in your classpath(under /META-INF/ ). You can manually enable it in eclipse by configuring properties. If your project is maven based, then it should be automatically picked from /src/main/resources/META-INF/ folder (provided entities are under the same hood).

1 Answers

An android APK file is actually a jar file (java archive), it is just a plain zip file with or without compression. Jar files are used by all types of java applications, they have a specific structure - the META-INF folder contains the manifest information and other metadata about the java package carried by the jar file.

The purposes of these files are as follows:

  1. MANIFEST.MF: It contains various information used by the java run-time environment when loading the jar file, such as which is the main class to be run from the jar file, version of package, build number, creator of the package, security policies/permissions of java applets and java webstart packages, the list of file names in the jar along with their SHA1 digests, etc.
  2. CERT.SF: This contains the list of all files along with their SHA-1 digest.
  3. CERT.RSA: This contains the signed contents of the CERT.SF file along with the certificate chain of the public key used for signing the contents.

As an example, Refer to a sample apk file here. If you download and expand this file using a file decompression program like 7zip to your desktop, you can see a sample of these files.

In the extracted directory, go to sub-directory META-INF and view the contents of the files manifest.mf and *.sf files. Here are the first few lines of these files:


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.7.0_60 (Oracle Corporation)

Name: res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/common_plus_signin_btn_text_dark_pressed.9.png
SHA1-Digest: Db3E0/I85K9Aik2yJ4X1dDP3Wq0=

Name: res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/opt_more_item_close_press.9.png
SHA1-Digest: Xxm9cr4gDbEEnnYvxRWfzcIXBEM=

Name: res/anim/accessibility_guide_translate_out.xml
SHA1-Digest: dp8PyrXMy2IBxgTz19x7DATpqz8=

The file MCTN.SF contains the digests of the file listings in MANIFEST.MF along with an empty line:

Signature-Version: 1.0
SHA1-Digest-Manifest-Main-Attributes: Sen4TNWb3NQLczkzN1idKh81Rjc=
Created-By: 1.7.0_60 (Oracle Corporation)
SHA1-Digest-Manifest: NAWTDC05HK+hfNtQ91J4AoL9F7s=

Name: res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/common_plus_signin_btn_text_dark_pressed.9.png
SHA1-Digest: pvIZkdVTEuilCdx8UkrlY6ufPlw=

Name: res/anim/accessibility_guide_translate_out.xml
SHA1-Digest: XeX9Q2w41PRm3KiZ5p07x3CY6hc=

The file MCTN.RSA contains the signature in base64 encoding generated over file MCTN.SF.

See this reference for details on how to verify the signatures of APK packages - http://theether.net/kb/100207

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Sandeep S. Sandhu Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 21:11

Sandeep S. Sandhu