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What are the possible values that can be given to `@Suppress` in Kotlin?



The Kotlin compiler gave me the following warning:

Warning:(399, 1) Kotlin: Expected performance impact of inlining '...' can be insignificant. Inlining works best for functions with lambda parameters

In this case I would like to suppress this warning. I don't know what value to give to @Suppress, however, and I can't find any documentation for what values @Suppress accepts.

What are the possible values that can be given to @Suppress, and what do they mean?

like image 970
Laurence Gonsalves Avatar asked Nov 15 '16 07:11

Laurence Gonsalves

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1 Answers

IntelliJ gives you nice help here:

enter image description here

Which adds @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") to resolve the warning.

Some of the possible names of the compiler diagnostics to suppress can be found in Errors.java and DefaultErrorMessages.java i.e.:

REDUNDANT_MODIFIER, "Modifier ''{0}'' is redundant because ''{1}'' is present" 
like image 116
miensol Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 11:10
