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What are the main differences between CoffeeScript’s and Dart’s improvements upon JavaScript?


Both languages claim to fix perceived deficiencies of JavaScript. I would like to understand the key differences in how CoffeeScript and Dart (compiled to JavaScript) seek to accomplish this. In particular,

  • Is the object model the same as in JavaScript?
  • Are they statically or dynamically typed? Strong or weakly?
  • How do closures work in either language?
  • Do they support coroutines?
  • What are the main differences in syntax?
  • How many native libraries can I use?
  • Can I use existing JavaScript libraries?

I am not interested in things like personal preferences, adoption rates, tool support or usefulness for a particular purpose.

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Tobias Avatar asked Apr 15 '12 16:04


1 Answers

Seth Ladd has a blog post where he compares certain aspects of CoffeeScript with Dart and JavaScript. Doesn't touch on all of your bullets, but may be a start. He also posted this discussion in response to a Coffeescript and Dart article on nettuts.

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scribeGriff Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 07:10
