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How to delete a row from a data.frame without losing the attributes


for starters: I searched for hours on this problem by now - so if the answer should be trivial, please forgive me...

What I want to do is delete a row (no. 101) from a data.frame. It contains test data and should not appear in my analyses. My problem is: Whenever I subset from the data.frame, the attributes (esp. comments) are lost.

# x has comments for each variable
x <- x[1:100,]
# now x has lost all comments

It is well documented that subsetting will drop all attributes - so far, it's perfectly clear. The manual (e.g. http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Extract.data.frame.html) even suggests a way to preserve the attributes:

## keeping special attributes: use a class with a
## "as.data.frame" and "[" method:

as.data.frame.avector <- as.data.frame.vector

`[.avector` <- function(x,i,...) {
  r <- NextMethod("[")
  mostattributes(r) <- attributes(x)

d <- data.frame(i= 0:7, f= gl(2,4),
                u= structure(11:18, unit = "kg", class="avector"))
str(d[2:4, -1]) # 'u' keeps its "unit"

I am not yet so far into R to understand what exactly happens here. However, simply running these lines (except the last three) does not change the behavior of my subsetting. Using the command subset() with an appropriate vector (100-times TRUE + 1 FALSE) gives me the same result. And simply storing the attributes to a variable and restoring it after the subset, does not work, either.

# Does not work...
tmp <- attributes(x)
x <- x[1:100,]
attributes(x) <- tmp

Of course, I could write all comments to a vector (var=>comment), subset and write them back using a loop - but that does not seem a well-founded solution. And I am quite sure I will encounter datasets with other relevant attributes in future analyses.

So this is where my efforts in stackoverflow, Google, and brain power got stuck. I would very much appreciate if anyone could help me out with a hint. Thanks!

like image 997
BurninLeo Avatar asked May 01 '12 20:05


People also ask

How do I delete a specific row in a data frame?

To drop a row or column in a dataframe, you need to use the drop() method available in the dataframe. You can read more about the drop() method in the docs here. Rows are labelled using the index number starting with 0, by default. Columns are labelled using names.

How do I remove a specific row in R?

To remove the rows in R, use the subsetting in R. There is no built-in function of removing a row from the data frame, but you can access a data frame without some rows specified by the negative index. This process is also called subsetting. This way, you can remove unwanted rows from the data frame.

Which function is used to delete row from a data frame?

The drop function allows the removal of rows and columns from your DataFrame, and once you've used it a few times, you'll have no issues. The Pandas “drop” function is used to delete columns or rows from a Pandas DataFrame.

How do I delete a row in Pandas?

By using pandas. DataFrame. drop() method you can drop/remove/delete rows from DataFrame. axis param is used to specify what axis you would like to remove.

1 Answers

If I understand you correctly, you have some data in a data.frame, and the columns of the data.frame have comments associated with them. Perhaps something like the following?



comment(mydf$aa)<-"Don't drop me!"
comment(mydf$bb)<-"Me either!"

So this would give you something like

> str(mydf)
'data.frame':   100 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ aa: atomic  3 3 4 7 2 7 7 5 5 1 ...
  ..- attr(*, "comment")= chr "Don't drop me!"
 $ bb: Factor w/ 5 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 4 2 2 5 4 2 1 3 5 3 ...
  ..- attr(*, "comment")= chr "Me either!"

And when you subset this, the comments are dropped:

> str(mydf[1:2,]) # comment dropped.
'data.frame':   2 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ aa: num  3 3
 $ bb: Factor w/ 5 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 4 2

To preserve the comments, define the function [.avector, as you did above (from the documentation) then add the appropriate class attributes to each of the columns in your data.frame (EDIT: to keep the factor levels of bb, add "factor" to the class of bb.):

mydf$aa<-structure(mydf$aa, class="avector")
mydf$bb<-structure(mydf$bb, class=c("avector","factor"))

So that the comments are preserved:

> str(mydf[1:2,])
'data.frame':   2 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ aa:Class 'avector'  atomic [1:2] 3 3
  .. ..- attr(*, "comment")= chr "Don't drop me!"
 $ bb: Factor w/ 5 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 4 2
  ..- attr(*, "comment")= chr "Me either!"


If there are many columns in your data.frame that have attributes you want to preserve, you could use lapply (EDITED to include original column class):

mydf2 <- data.frame( lapply( mydf, function(x) {
  structure( x, class = c("avector", class(x) ) )
} ) )

However, this drops comments associated with the data.frame itself (such as comment(mydf)<-"I'm a data.frame"), so if you have any, assign them to the new data.frame:


And then you have

> str(mydf2[1:2,])
'data.frame':   2 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ aa:Classes 'avector', 'numeric'  atomic [1:2] 3 3
  .. ..- attr(*, "comment")= chr "Don't drop me!"
 $ bb: Factor w/ 5 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 4 2
  ..- attr(*, "comment")= chr "Me either!"
 - attr(*, "comment")= chr "I'm a data.frame"
like image 198
BenBarnes Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 01:10
