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What are the filenames of new colored Google maps markers?

Is there a handy guide similar to this one for the newer Google markers that reside in the directory http://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/markers2/ ?

So far I have been able to find these:

  • Red marker with black dot


  • Green marker with letter A (can be any letter)


  • Marker shadow


  • Green downward arrow


  • Arrow shadow


For my particular application I'd like to find the green marker with a black dot, but so far no luck. Anyone else find other icons from this directory?

like image 794
Kirkman14 Avatar asked Oct 02 '13 16:10


1 Answers

That's what I got so far:

  • drag_cross_67_16.png
  • measle.png
  • measle_blue.png
  • dd-via.png
  • dd-via-transparent.png
  • arrowshadow.png
  • arrow.png
  • arrowtransparent.png
  • shadow50.png
  • marker_sprite.png
  • icon_green.png <----------------------------- what you are looking for
  • marker.png
  • boost-marker-mapview.png
  • circle[A-J].png
  • red_circle_markers_A_J2.png
  • red_transparent_circle_icons_A_J.png
  • marker[A-J].png
  • red_transparent_icons_A_J.png
  • red_icons_A_J.png
  • red_markers_A_J2.png
  • red_grow_markers_A_J2.png
  • marker_green[A-Z].png
  • icon_green[A-Z].png
  • markerTransparent.png

Overview: http://jsfiddle.net/doktormolle/LS7Wj/show/

like image 84
Dr.Molle Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
