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What are the disadvantages/problems of including scripts in the body of page rather than in the head element?



There's already an entry posted regarding the pros/cons of putting javascript inside the <head> element vs. right before the close body tag (</body>).

However I've seen sometimes developers put JavaScript code in arbitrary locations in an HTML page. It seems to be mainly due to laziness. What are the disadvantages of embedding JavaScript code in arbitrary locations of a page? There are a number of obvious disadvantages such as no caching, less reuse, etc. What other disadvantages can you think of in this regards?

Thanks in asdvance.

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Behrang Avatar asked Jun 22 '10 14:06


People also ask

Should scripts be in head or body?

The best practice is to put JavaScript <script> tags just before the closing </body> tag rather than in the <head> section of your HTML. The reason for this is that HTML loads from top to bottom. The head loads first, then the body, and then everything inside the body.

What happens if you place script elements in the head?

If it's in the HEAD section, the script will be parsed before any HTML or CSS elements are loaded. If your Javascript references any of the web page's elements, there may be a slight delay in the fancy effects you want to apply, or it may just not work at all.

Should you put script in head?

Put your functions in the head section, this way they are all in one place, and they do not interfere with page content. If your is not placed inside a function, or if your script writes page content, it should be placed in the body section. It is a good idea to place scripts at the bottom of the <body> element.

What is the difference when the script tag appears in the HTML body or head sections?

When you place a script in the head section, you will ensure that the script is loaded before anyone uses it. Scripts in the body section: Scripts to be executed when the page loads go in the body section. When you place a script in the body section it generates the content of the page.

2 Answers

Read this:


The short story is that we don't want to wait for DOMContentReady (or worse the load event) since it leads to bad user experience. The UI is not responsive until all the DOM has been loaded from the network. So the preferred way is to use inline scripts as soon as possible.

<div id="my-widget">&lt;/div>  

Yes, it not as easy to maintain but it leads to a better user experience. By intentionally leaving out DOMContentReady wrappers we have been able to prevent Google Apps to use on this anti pattern.

And this:

Using DOMContentReady considered anti-pattern by Google

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David Murdoch Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

David Murdoch

Whenever you put a script element in a page, regardless of where it is, unless you use the defer or async attributes and the browser your visitor is using supports them, all HTML parsing comes to a full stop and control is given over to the JavaScript interpreter (waiting for the script file to download, if the script is in a separate file). This holds up the rendering of your page. So unless you have a really good reason for putting the script tag somewhere else, putting the script tag at the very bottom of your page will improve its apparent loadtime.

There can be really good reasons, of course. For instance, if the script has to use document.write to output HTML to the page (like many ad scripts do), then of course it has to be in the location where that HTML has to go. Similarly, if you have a button in your UI and you're hooking up a handler to that button that calls your script, if the script is further down in the page, there may be a window of opportunity for the user to click the button before your script is there to handle the click, either doing nothing or getting an error, either of which negatively affects the user experience.

If your page is fully functional without any script (good practice for most general-purpose websites), with the script merely enhancing the experience, put the script at the bottom. If the script is critical to the functionality of your site (perfectly acceptable practice for some sites, and certainly for many web-based applications), best to have your build process combine all of your custom JavaScript into one file, minify it, and link it in the head, so that you're holding things up as briefly as possible. (If your script relies on libraries, you can load them separately from a CDN for speed, or prepend them to your custom code, depending on your assessment of which will be faster for your users.)

That's all a speed/perceived speed argument. From a separation of concerns standpoint, make sure all of your JavaScript is in separate files (at least, separate source files; you could have a build process that mergers your JavaScript into your HTML to produce an ouput file to serve to the user without violating separation of concerns; but then you can't get caching of your JavaScript if you use it on more than one page). Once you have a separate JavaScript file, you're going to have to link to the script somewhere, I don't think it really makes a big difference from a separation of concerns standpoint where as long as you don't have script elements littered all over the HTML source.

Edit: See also David Murdoch's answer quoting Google on the value of inline script blocks for hooking up UI. I wanted to reference it but couldn't find it; he did. It's a pain because (unless you do this with a build script) it really messes up separation of concerns. On the up side, it shouldn't be that hard to do with tags and a build script...

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T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

T.J. Crowder