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jqGrid: how to change cell padding

I'm using jqGrid3.6.5 on google hosted jQueryUI1.8.2 and jQuery1.4.2

I want to change the cell padding of a jqGrid. For testing purposes I want to set it to 10px all around each cell.

The only option I've come across while googling is the following:

  1. add padding with CSS. eg. #grid-id td, #grid-id th { padding:10px; }
  2. set cellLayout option to 21 (paddingleft + paddingright + borderleft)

When I have no set width on any of the columns in my colModel, this works like expected. Though when I resize one of the headers, or set a column width in the colModel, headers and cells aren't aligned anymore.

Anyone know how to fix this or know an alternative way to alter cell padding?

like image 976
Maurice Avatar asked Jun 10 '10 14:06


2 Answers

Add a new CSS class to the columns that you need to style:



    {name:"name",index:"name", width:600, align:"left", classes:"grid-col"},
    {name:"price",index:"price", width:100, align:"right", classes:"grid-col"}



Note classes:"grid-col" in this snippet.

Then style the columns with CSS using !important to give these rules the highest priority:

.grid-col {
  padding-right: 5px !important;
  padding-left: 5px !important;

It works for me in jqGrid 4.5.4 with no column resizing problems.

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Alexey Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09


According to the jqGrid developer, the cellLayout option is the preferred way. Unfortunately the documentation is a bit cryptic:

This option determines the padding + border width of the cell. Usually this should not be changed, but if custom changes to td element are made in the grid css file this will need to be changed. The initial value of 5 means paddingLef⇒2+paddingRight⇒2+borderLeft⇒1=5

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Justin Ethier Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09

Justin Ethier