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What are the differences between rbenv, rvm, and chruby? [closed]

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What is the difference between Rbenv and RVM?

Rbenv is lightweight, RVM is heavier, Rbenv is more developer-friendly than RVM, Rbenv has a dedicated plugin for Ruby installation mechanism, RVM has it built-in.

Which Ruby Version Manager is best?

Along with RVM, Rbenv has long been the most popular version manager for Ruby. Rbenv uses shims to intercept common Ruby commands. (Asdf also uses shims.) After installing Rbenv with Homebrew, you must modify your ~/.

Can I have both RVM and Rbenv?

You can't really have rbenv and rvm coexist. With rvm, it overrides the 'gem' command, so that would make rbenv useless. If you want to use rbenv for both, you'd have to avoid using gemsets and instead use bundler to handle dependencies.

There's three main options available today:

  • rvm which is the most established, but also the most intrusive in terms of shell modifications.
  • rbenv which is lower impact, and still works as well.
  • chruby which purports to be even lighter than rbenv.

Personally I prefer rbenv because it works well with Homebrew and doesn't mangle the shell environment as much, but tend to use rvm on servers where that doesn't matter because they're set up for a very specific purpose.