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What are the best Open Source tools for developing Flash applications? What are the best places to start learning? [closed]

As far as tools go, I am aware of Haxe, MTASC, and swfmill. Can you offer any success or horror stories related to any of them? Are there any others that I should be investigating?

With respect to learning, the Adobe Developer Connection seems to contain decent reference materials, but the tutorials all assume that the reader is using the "Adobe Flash" product. Are there any tutorials out there targeted at Open Source users?

What are the advantages of Flash 9/ActionScript 3 versus Flash 8/ActionScript 2? Am I correct in thinking that Flash 8 is still more widely deployed than Flash 9, and better supported by the Open Source flash players?

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Andru Luvisi Avatar asked Sep 30 '08 15:09

Andru Luvisi

2 Answers

Tool-wise, FlashDevelop is really good (and free). In fact, the whole osflash.org site is very impressive and thorough.

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yalestar Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10


Flash Develop is an awesome IDE: http://www.flashdevelop.org/wikidocs/index.php?title=Main_Page

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torial Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10
