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What are the Alternatives to Google Analytics [closed]

I need to Track Unique Visitor count in my web application. I would really like to use Google Analytics but due to the Load limitations that google imposes I will not be able to use them. I am expecting WAY over 10,000 requests a day. This is the limitation that Google web analytics API imposes. Is there another company that has the same features as google analytics that is paid or free?

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Luke101 Avatar asked Oct 09 '09 01:10


3 Answers

There definitely are.

Here are two open source and free solutions that are very polished:

Piwik - Designed as a direct competitor to Google Analytics (it looks just as nice) that you host on your own servers

Open Web Analytics

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Michael La Voie Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 04:10

Michael La Voie

the 10,000 request apply to the Data API, not to the actual data collection.

Like you can have an unlimited number of users seeing your website. On the other hand if you use the API to extract data from their database, you can do 10k request a day only.

check this link for more details

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RageZ Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 04:10


The biggest, most obvious, most usual alternative is to simply do it yourself. Your webserver needs to log requests for security etc. anyway, so it's not a big deal to run something like webalizer on those logs. You won't get the quick, easy access to advanced information like paths users take through the site, btu that can be determined if you care enough. You do gain one huge benefit though: privacy of your own data.

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Lee B Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 03:10

Lee B