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What are the alternatives to Domain Driven Design under MVC [closed]

I understand the value in DDD approach, but sometimes it seems to be overkill and creates confusion. What other ways can I approach a web application design in Asp.net MVC ? thanks

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zsharp Avatar asked Dec 12 '11 20:12


1 Answers

What specifically is overkill about DDD?

You could try Test Driven Development, and focus on building your test cases to assist in building only the business logic necessary to pass your tests. I'm not a huge fan, but it's an option.

As for DDD, I tend to view it as a general idea... focusing on understanding my "domain" first... the problems at hand, the objects i'm working with... I build my models first, tools to manipulate them second, and then the business logic on top for solving my domain problems by business requirement. Usually I work on persistence mechanics next, and presentation last.

I guess my point is, there's lots of buzzwords behind the ideologies in systems development... and other than fanatics there aren't black and white borders to them all.

If you let me know what in particular you find cumbersome/overkill, what you're trying to avoid or trying to achieve, I could answer your question better.

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one.beat.consumer Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 22:11
