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What are some Java memory management best practices? [closed]

I am taking over some applications from a previous developer. When I run the applications through Eclipse, I see the memory usage and the heap size increase a lot. Upon further investigation, I see that they were creating an object over-and-over in a loop as well as other things.

I started to go through and do some clean up. But the more I went through, the more questions I had like "will this actually do anything?"

For example, instead of declaring a variable outside the loop mentioned above and just setting its value in the loop... they created the object in the loop. What I mean is:

for(int i=0; i < arrayOfStuff.size(); i++) {     String something = (String) arrayOfStuff.get(i);     ... } 


String something = null; for(int i=0; i < arrayOfStuff.size(); i++) {     something = (String) arrayOfStuff.get(i); } 

Am I incorrect to say that the bottom loop is better? Perhaps I am wrong.

Also, what about after the second loop above, I set "something" back to null? Would that clear out some memory?

In either case, what are some good memory management best practices I could follow that will help keep my memory usage low in my applications?


I appreciate everyones feedback so far. However, I was not really asking about the above loops (although by your advice I did go back to the first loop). I am trying to get some best practices that I can keep an eye out for. Something on the lines of "when you are done using a Collection, clear it out". I just really need to make sure not as much memory is being taken up by these applications.

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Ascalonian Avatar asked Mar 09 '09 20:03


People also ask

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There are two kinds of memory used in Java. These are called stack memory and heap memory. Stack memory stores primitive types and the addresses of objects. The object values are stored in heap memory.

What is memory management in Java?

Memory management is the process of allocating new objects and removing unused objects to make space for those new object allocations. This section presents some basic memory management concepts and explains the basics about object allocation and garbage collection in the Oracle JRockit JVM.

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Java does memory management automatically. Java uses an automatic memory management system called a garbage collector. Thus, we are not required to implement memory management logic in our application.

Does Java do memory management automatically?

Java does memory management automatically. Java uses an automatic memory management system called a garbage collector. Thus, we are not required to implement memory management logic in our application. Java memory management divides into two major parts: JVM creates various run time data areas in a heap.

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In many Java applications a large amount of time is spent reading from and writing to memory. Sometimes a lot of time is even spent just allocating and freeing memory (e.g. instantiating and garbage collecting objects). Simply changing how you read, write, allocate and free memory has an impact on the performance of your application.

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To start with, let’s have a look at how the memory is generally organized in Java: Generally, memory is divided into two big parts: the stack and the heap. Please keep in mind that the size of memory types in this picture are not proportional to the memory size in reality. The heap is a huge amount of memory compared to the stack.

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2 Answers

Don't try to outsmart the VM. The first loop is the suggested best practice, both for performance and maintainability. Setting the reference back to null after the loop will not guarantee immediate memory release. The GC will do its job best when you use the minimum scope possible.

Books which cover these things in detail (from the user's perspective) are Effective Java 2 and Implementation Patterns.

If you care to find out more about performance and the inners of the VM you need to see talks or read books from Brian Goetz.

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cherouvim Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 14:10


Those two loops are equivalent except for the scope of something; see this question for details.

General best practices? Umm, let's see: don't store large amounts of data in static variables unless you have a good reason. Remove large objects from collections when you're done with them. And oh yes, "Measure, don't guess." Use a profiler to see where the memory is being allocated.

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Michael Myers Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 13:10

Michael Myers