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Parse JSON file using GSON

People also ask

How do I use GSON files?

We'll use the toJson(Object src, Appendable writer) method from the Gson class to convert a Java data type into JSON and store it in a file. The Gson() constructor creates a Gson object with default configuration: Gson gson = new Gson(); Now, we can call toJson() to convert and store Java objects.

How do I get GSON data?

InputStream input = new URL("http://exampe.com/get_replies.xml").openStream(); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(input, "UTF-8"); Gson gs = new Gson(); String s = gs. fromJson(reader, String. class);

Is GSON better than Jackson?

ConclusionBoth Gson and Jackson are good options for serializing/deserializing JSON data, simple to use and well documented. Advantages of Gson: Simplicity of toJson/fromJson in the simple cases. For deserialization, do not need access to the Java entities.

Imo, the best way to parse your JSON response with GSON would be creating classes that "match" your response and then use Gson.fromJson() method.
For example:

class Response {
    Map<String, App> descriptor;
    // standard getters & setters...

class App {
  String name;
  int age;
  String[] messages;
  // standard getters & setters...

Then just use:

Gson gson = new Gson();
Response response = gson.fromJson(yourJson, Response.class);

Where yourJson can be a String, any Reader, a JsonReader or a JsonElement.

Finally, if you want to access any particular field, you just have to do:

String name = response.getDescriptor().get("app3").getName();

You can always parse the JSON manually as suggested in other answers, but personally I think this approach is clearer, more maintainable in long term and it fits better with the whole idea of JSON.

I'm using gson 2.2.3

public class Main {

 * @param args
 * @throws IOException 
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new FileReader("jsonFile.json"));


    while (jsonReader.hasNext()) {

    String name = jsonReader.nextName();
        if (name.equals("descriptor")) {




public static void readApp(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException{
     while (jsonReader.hasNext()) {
         String name = jsonReader.nextName();
         if (name.contains("app")){
             while (jsonReader.hasNext()) {
                 String n = jsonReader.nextName();
                 if (n.equals("name")){
                 if (n.equals("age")){
                 if (n.equals("messages")){
                     while  (jsonReader.hasNext()) {


One thing that to be remembered while solving such problems is that in JSON file, a { indicates a JSONObject and a [ indicates JSONArray. If one could manage them properly, it would be very easy to accomplish the task of parsing the JSON file. The above code was really very helpful for me and I hope this content adds some meaning to the above code.

The Gson JsonReader documentation explains how to handle parsing of JsonObjects and JsonArrays:

  • Within array handling methods, first call beginArray() to consume the array's opening bracket. Then create a while loop that accumulates values, terminating when hasNext() is false. Finally, read the array's closing bracket by calling endArray().
  • Within object handling methods, first call beginObject() to consume the object's opening brace. Then create a while loop that assigns values to local variables based on their name. This loop should terminate when hasNext() is false. Finally, read the object's closing brace by calling endObject().