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What are some great online database modeling tools? [closed]

People also ask

What are the three database models which is the most popular today?

Some of the most common ones include: Hierarchical database model. Relational model. Network model.

I've used DBDesigner before. It is an open source tool. You might check that out. Not sure if it fits your needs.

Best of luck!

Do you mean design as in 'graphic representation of tables' or just plain old 'engineering kind of design'. If it's the latter, use FlameRobin, version 0.9.0 has just been released.

If it's the former, then use DBDesigner. Yup, that uses Java.

Or maybe you meant something more like MS Access. Then Kexi should be right for you.

S.Lott inserted a comment, but it should be an answer: see the same question.


Since it wasn't as obvious as I intended it to be, here follows a verbatim copy of S.Lott's answer in the other question:

I'm a big fan of ARGO UML from Tigris.org. Draws nice pictures using standard UML notation. It does some code generation, but mostly Java classes, which isn't SQL DDL, so that may not be close enough to what you want to do.

You can look at the Data Modelling Tools list and see if anything there is better than Argo UML. Many of the items on this list are free or cheap.

Also, if you're using Eclipse or NetBeans, there are many design plug-ins, some of which may have the features you're looking for.

The DB Designer Fork project claims that it can generate FireBird sql scripts.