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What are practical applications of Queues?


What are practical applications of Queues in Computer Science. Where do we use them and why? I heard that we use them in Video Games and Computer Simulation programs, is that true? Why? Apart from these two areas what are other practical applications of Queues as a data structure?

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Muhammad Maqsoodur Rehman Avatar asked Mar 06 '10 14:03

Muhammad Maqsoodur Rehman

1 Answers

Stacks are used for the undo buttons in various softwares. The recent most changes are pushed into the stack. Even the back button on the browser works with the help of the stack where all the recently visited web pages are pushed into the stack.

Queues are used in case of printers or uploading images. Where the first one to be entered is the first to be processed.

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Bhavya Avatar answered Dec 02 '22 06:12
