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Installshield or Wix [closed]


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What is WiX Visual Studio?

The Visual Studio WiX toolset allows you to easily create WiX projects, edit WiX files using IntelliSense, and compile/link your project within the Visual Studio IDE. For WiX project types, see WiX Project Types. For WiX item templates, see WiX Item templates.

I have a pretty huge web application developed using asp.net 3.5 and I need to prepare an installer package which will be using to deploy the application on IIS 6 and 7. I have done a lot of research on Wix and Installsheild 2010 (pro) and need some advice before making decision. I notice that the installsheild is quite expense in terms of license but for me, I have enough budget so that won't be an issue. the installer should be able to perform the following processes.

  • Deploy the published web resource (aspx etc).

  • Create Virtual Directory.

  • Create Database on sql server and run some initializing scripts.

  • Modify XML files and web.config files.

  • Set the permission to allow writing to the files in the virtual dir.

I found that both technologies are capable of doing the above scenarios but I would like to get personal experience and advices.