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What are all the "conventions" for Ruby on Rails? [closed]

I'm a Django person going into Rails, and I want a guide that shows me all the popular "conventions".

For example: plurality, _form.html.erb, stuff like that.

Can someone list them here? Or a webpage?

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TIMEX Avatar asked Aug 24 '10 06:08


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Ruby's and Ruby on Rails' Overall Popularity Although way behind main contenders, such as PHP or Python, Ruby still makes the cut for the 20 most popular programming languages list in 2022. The 2022 edition of Stack Overflow Annual Developer Survey also places RoR in a similar spot.

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Laravel. With over 64,000 stars on Github as of September 2020, Laravel, which stemmed from Symfony (another Ruby on Rails alternative listed in this article) is one of the most popular frameworks for backend development available in 2020 — and this is not without good cause.

Is Ruby on Rails still relevant 2020?

RoR developers are sure - Rails are still relevant in 2020.

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It enjoys widespread use and stability, but it doesn't enjoy the sense of being the newest advancement anymore. There are still plenty of projects, startups, and major tech companies that use Ruby on Rails, and the future of this framework is very strong.

1 Answers

If you want the official conventions, then nothing beats the original Rails book: Agile Web Development with Rails

But if you want the unwritten conventions, here's a good start: acts_as_good_style

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Taryn East Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Taryn East