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Do I still need source :gemcutter in Gemfile?

I have a file "Gemfile" in my Rails project root.

It says source :gemcutter in the very first line.

Do I still need the line? If I'm correct, http://rubygems.org/ is the official source, and Gem Cutter was merged into rubygems.org.

like image 925
TK. Avatar asked Jun 12 '10 06:06


People also ask

How do I use Ruby Gems?

As of 2007's release of Ruby 1.9 it is included when you download Ruby. To use RubyGems to install gems, all you have to do is type gem install [the name of the gem you want to install] . RubyGems will then go ahead and install that gem for you from its library.

Where is my gem file located?

Gemfile is a file which must be located in root of your rails project. It is used for describing gem dependencies for Ruby programs. The first thing in your gemfile is a source in which you tell the Gemfile where to look for gems. Source can be called as a block and you can have multiple sources in your gemfile.

2 Answers

You're correct. You don't need it any longer, and yes, it was merged.

Make sure you have an alternate source specified:

source 'https://rubygems.org'
like image 116
Delameko Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10


You still need it. Instead of using :gemcutter, use :rubygems instead.

like image 23
joshkim Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 19:10
