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What advantages/disadvantages do MSTest and NUnit have compared to each other?

Since Microsoft created MSTest, I've been using it for unit testing. I never really used NUnit, and I just didn't like the need to have yet another tool installed on my dev box. I've only used the basic features of MSTest so far, and they have satisfied my needs, and I don't really know anything about NUnit.

Could someone list out some of the disadvantages and advantages of using MSTest and NUnit compared to each other?

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Chris Pietschmann Avatar asked Jul 04 '09 15:07

Chris Pietschmann

People also ask

What is the difference between NUnit and MSTest?

MsTest is a native unit testing library that comes with Visual Studio from Microsoft. NUnit is an extra Nuget package that needs to be installed on top and interact with the APIs of Visual Studio. Nunit likely doesn't have direct integration into the native APIs like MsTest does.

What is difference between xUnit and NUnit?

NUnit will run all the tests using the same class instance, while xUnit will create a new instance for each test.

What is difference between NUnit and Testng?

NUnit was Initially ported from JUnit. Tests can be run from a console runner, within Visual Studio through a Test Adapter or through 3rd party runners. Tests can be run in parallel and has Strong support for data driven tests. Unit supports multiple platforms including .

What is JUnit and NUnit?

JUnit is a very popular Unit testing framework for Java and NUnit, which is ported from JUnit and has become a popular Unit testing framework in the . Net world.

2 Answers

For .net core:

NUnit was not fully compatible with .NET Core 2 at the time


Some new features in xUnit:


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Daniel B Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09

Daniel B

Here is a nice blog which lists out some differences between MSTest and NUnit http://blogs.msdn.com/nnaderi/archive/2007/02/01/mstest-vs-nunit-frameworks.aspx

And this link here compares even more unit testing frameworks http://www.codeplex.com/xunit/Wiki/View.aspx?title=Comparisons


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Arnkrishn Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 06:09
