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Testing HTTP routes in Golang

I am using Gorilla mux and the net/http package to create some routes as follows

package routes

//some imports

//some stuff

func AddQuestionRoutes(r *mux.Router) {
    s := r.PathPrefix("/questions").Subrouter()
    s.HandleFunc("/{question_id}/{question_type}", getQuestion).Methods("GET")
    s.HandleFunc("/", postQuestion).Methods("POST")
    s.HandleFunc("/", putQuestion).Methods("PUT")
    s.HandleFunc("/{question_id}", deleteQuestion).Methods("DELETE")

I am trying to write a test to test these routes. For example, I am trying to test the GET route specifically trying to get a 400 returned so I have the following test code.

package routes

//some imports

var m *mux.Router
var req *http.Request
var err error
var respRec *httptest.ResponseRecorder

func init() {
    //mux router with added question routes
    m = mux.NewRouter()

    //The response recorder used to record HTTP responses
    respRec = httptest.NewRecorder()

func TestGet400(t *testing.T) {
    //Testing get of non existent question type
    req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", "/questions/1/SC", nil)
    if err != nil {
        t.Fatal("Creating 'GET /questions/1/SC' request failed!")

    m.ServeHTTP(respRec, req)

    if respRec.Code != http.StatusBadRequest {
        t.Fatal("Server error: Returned ", respRec.Code, " instead of ", http.StatusBadRequest)

However, when I run this test, I get a 404 conceivably because the request is not being routed correctly.?

When I test this GET route from the browser, it does return a 400 so I'm certain there is an issue with the way the test is setup.

like image 958
moesef Avatar asked Aug 16 '14 05:08


People also ask

How do you test a route?

Testing routes can be done both via application tests or container tests. Application tests will likely provide better coverage for routes because routes are typically used to perform transitions and load data, both of which are tested more easily in full context rather than isolation.

Should I use Gorilla mux?

Given that the downsides of chi and gorilla/mux are similar, picking between the two is fairly straightforward: opt for gorilla/mux if you need support for custom routing rules, host-based routing or route 'reversing'.

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If you want to test concurrency you'll need to make a few go routines and have them run, well, concurrently. You might try taking the locking out and intentionally get it to crash or misbehave by concurrently modifying things and then add the locking in to ensure it solves it.

1 Answers

The use of init() here is suspect. It only executes once as part of program initialization. Instead, perhaps something like:

func setup() {
    //mux router with added question routes
    m = mux.NewRouter()

    //The response recorder used to record HTTP responses
    respRec = httptest.NewRecorder()

func TestGet400(t *testing.T) {
    //Testing get of non existent question type
    req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", "/questions/1/SC", nil)
    if err != nil {
        t.Fatal("Creating 'GET /questions/1/SC' request failed!")

    m.ServeHTTP(respRec, req)

    if respRec.Code != http.StatusBadRequest {
        t.Fatal("Server error: Returned ", respRec.Code, " instead of ", http.StatusBadRequest)

where you call setup() at the beginning of each appropriate test case. Your original code was sharing the same respRec with other tests, which probably polluted your test results.

If you need a testing framework that provides more features like setup/teardown fixtures, see packages such as gocheck.

like image 73
dyoo Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09
