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webpack error in Cannot find module 'less'




I'm trying to use less loader in webpack and the issues is - I've installed less loader locally, but when I try to compile everything using webpack command in bask, it prints out: "ERROR in Cannot find module 'less'". In my entry point I require some less file like


Here is my webpack.config file

module.exports = {  entry: "./entry.js",  output: {      path: "./build",      filename: "./bundle.js"  },  module: {      loaders: [          {test: /\.js$/, exlude: /node_modules/, loader: "babel-loader"},          {test: /\.less$/, loader: "style!css!less"}      ] } } 

What's the matter and how I should fix it?

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Alex Buddy Avatar asked Apr 21 '16 21:04

Alex Buddy

Video Answer

2 Answers

This error happens because npm@3 does not resolve peerDependencies any more.

npm install less less-loader is the way to go.

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Dom Sun Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 18:10

Dom Sun

It sounds like you haven't installed the less-loader into your node_modules. Installing it would fix this.

npm install less-loader --save-dev 

Edit: Also you will get this error when you haven't installed the css-loader and style-loader that you are chaining less-loader to.

Anyone who comes across this can plus on the issue I submitted for the bad message. "Error in Cannot find module 'less'" when missing loaders chained after less. Revise error message.

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Sean Larkin Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 17:10

Sean Larkin