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concatenate values in less (css) without a space




So I'm trying to make a LESS mixin which takes a number (degrees to rotate) and output the correct css to rotate the element. The problem is, I can't figure out a way to write both "270deg" and "3" (270/90) for IE. Here are the things i've tried:

.rotate(@rotation: 0) {
    @deg: deg;
    -webkit-transform: rotate(@rotation deg); // i can see why this doesn't work
    -moz-transform: rotate((@rotation)deg); // parens
    -o-transform: rotate(@rotation+deg); // variable-keyword concatenation
    transform: rotate(@rotation+@deg); // variable-variable concatenation

    // this is the reason I need @rotation to be just a number:
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=@rotation/90);

.someElement {

For now i've just modified the compiler script so that it doesn't put a space between variable/keyword concatenation. I'd hope theres a better solution.

like image 702
B T Avatar asked May 17 '11 06:05


2 Answers

One solution, although a little ugly, would be to used escaped strings:

@degs: ~"@{rotation}deg"
@degs-ie: @rotation / 90;
transform: rotate(@degs);
filter: ~"DXImageBlahBlah(rotation=@{degs-ie})"

Note you need less.js v1.1.x for this.

like image 180
cloudhead Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 21:10


A cleaner approach is to use unit (official documentation):

unit(@rotation, deg)

which in your example becomes:

transform: rotate(unit(@transition, deg));


unit(dimension, unit)

  • dimension: A number, with or without a dimension
  • unit (optional): the unit to change to, or if omitted it will remove the unit
like image 45
sqren Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10
