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Web development for a Computer Scientist [closed]

I have BS in Computer Science, and thus have experience developing software that runs at the command line or with a basic GUI. However, I have no experience making real, functional, websites. It has become apparent to me that I need to expand my skills to encompass web development. I have been using Ruby to develop applications, but I am aware that it is quite popular for web development. I want to use my skills as a programmer to assist me in developing a personal website for a band.

I have experience with HTML, but very little with CSS. I want to leverage my skills with programming languages to create a website containing pictures, audio clips, a dynamic calendar, a scheduling request tool, and other features common to band websites.

What kind of resources are available for a competent desktop programmer to learn the entire process for developing a website? Is it best to use free CSS templates and WordPress as a foundation for my site or make it from scratch? Should I use GUI tools or write it all in Vim/Emacs? Is Ruby on Rails sufficient for my personal website, or should I consider a more mature development platform?

My main goal for this project is to come up to speed on current web design technology, and actually understand the entire process for building a website.

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Jeremy Mack Avatar asked Apr 01 '09 00:04

Jeremy Mack

People also ask

Can a computer scientist be a web developer?

Most of the time a computer scientist can become a web developer easier than the other way around because of the degree requirement although it does happen. Then there's the thing with web development being a subset of software engineering which goes into a completely different argument.

Is a computer science degree good for web development?

A bachelor's degree in computer science has traditionally been the starting point for many aspiring Web Developers, with the most common minimum educational requirement, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, being an associate degree.

Is web development a dying profession?

Web Developers Will Always Grow and Develop in Future Years There will always be a need for new websites, apps, and platforms. The web is not dying out anytime soon. In fact, it's only growing from here on out! Web developers have been an essential part of our society for many years.

1 Answers

I think one really important thing to understand in web development is HTTP. HTML and CSS are important, but I think it's more critical to understand the stateless nature of the web, and how each of the HTTP verbs work, and what they can/can't do.


A good tool for seeing how HTTP works is Fiddler.

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Andy White Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Andy White