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Way to make inheritance in Vuex modules

Im building my app with VueJS and Vuex and I'm facing the issue when I have Multiple modules using the same data fields. Its about API configuration like dat.

getUsers ({ state, commit }) {
    axios.get(urls.API_USER_URL).then( response => {
        let data = response.data;
        parseApi(state, data, 'user');

    }).catch( err => {
        console.log('getUser error: ', err);

And another function in other Modules is like

getPosts ({ state, commit }) {
    axios.get(urls.API_POST_URL).then( response => {
        let data = response.data;
        parseApi(state, data, 'posts');

    }).catch( err => {
        console.log('getUser error: ', err);

I would like to know if I can just inheritence my Module and add additional datafields / functions in there?

My every module would have message and status field which I getting in response of my API.

export default {
    state : {
        message : "",
        status : 0
    parseApi: function(state, data, property) {
        if (data.hasOwnProperty('message')) {
            state.message = data.message;
        if (data.hasOwnProperty('status')) {
            state.status = data.status;
        if (data.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
            state[property] = data[property];

It would be something like that.

Is there a way to write this code once and have it in every module Im using?


I even cant get this apiParse function in there, I need to make muttation for those fields. But repeting it all time is pointless... Any advices?

like image 957
Canor Avatar asked Jan 18 '18 17:01


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1 Answers

Developing a little bit more Erin's response, you can define a base class with common features like this:

export default class BaseModule {
    protected state() {
        return {
            isLoading: false,
    protected getters() {
        return {
            isLoading(s) {
                return s.isLoading;
    protected actions() {
        return {};
    protected mutations() {
        return {
            [START_TRANSACTION]: (s) => {
                s.isLoading = true;
            [END_TRANSACTION]: (s) => {
                s.isLoading = false;
    protected modules() {
        return {};

    public getModule = () => {
        return {
            namespaced: true,
            state: this.state(),
            getters: this.getters(),
            actions: this.actions(),
            mutations: this.mutations(),
            modules: this.modules(),

You can now extend/override only the parts you need in derived classes, with class inheritance; for example, if you need to extend the modules...:

import BaseModule from './BaseModule';
import rowDensity from '@/store/modules/reusable/rowDensity';

export default class ItemListModule extends BaseModule {  
  protected modules() {
    return {

Finally, to use them as modules in the store, you can instantiate them and call .getModule():

import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import ItemListModule from './modules/ItemListModule';


const debug = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';

export const MODULE_NAMESPACES = {
  List: 'list',

export default new Vuex.Store({
  modules: {
    [MODULE_NAMESPACES.List]: new ItemListModule().getModule(),
  strict: debug,
like image 163
jordisan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09
