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vue js how to set option value selected

I'm using vue js for my application in select option input..I need to set default value should be selected in the drop down and while on change i would like to call two functions ..

I'm new to vue js..

My Code :

var listingVue = new Vue({

el: '#mountain',

        formVariables: { 
            country_id: '',
            mountain_id: '',
            peak_id: ''


ready: function() {

    var datas = this.formVariables;


methods: {

    getCountry: function()


    getMountain: function(country_id)
            var datas = this.formVariables;
            datas.$set('country_id', jQuery('#country_id').val() );
            postparemeters = {country_id:datas.country_id};


                  v-repeat = "country: countrylist" 
                  value="@{{country.id}}" >
like image 357
Vijay Avatar asked Nov 03 '15 05:11


People also ask

How do you get selected option value at Vue?

We can get the selected option on change with Vue. js by setting @change to a method. We set v-model to the key reactive property bind the selected value attribute value to key . And we set @change to onChange($event) to call onChange with the change event object.

How do you get the selected value of an option?

The value of the selected element can be found by using the value property on the selected element that defines the list. This property returns a string representing the value attribute of the <option> element in the list. If no option is selected then nothing will be returned.

What is reduce in V select?

According to Vue docs transforming selections, you use reduce to select to a single key. In your example, you'd be able to reduce to just returning the id(or name). See below: <v-select multiple :options="locations_ordered" v-model="state.modal.data.locations" label="name" :reduce="loc => loc.id"> </v-select>

2 Answers

With vue 2, the provided answer won't work that well. I had the same problem and the vue documentation isn't that clear concerning <select>. The only way I found for <select> tags to work properly, was this (when talking of the question):

<select v-model="formVariables.country_id">
  <option v-for = "country in countrylist" :value="country.id" >{{country.name}}</option>

I assume, that the @-sign in @{{...}} was due to blade, it should not be necessary when not using blade.

like image 63
mvmoay Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 08:09


In VueJS 2 you can bind selected to the default value you want. For example:

       v-for = "country in countrylist"
       :selected="country.id == 1"
       :value="country.id" >

So, during the iteration of the countryList, the country with the id 1 will be selected because country.id == 1 will be true which means selected="true".

UPDATED: As Mikee suggested, instead of v-on="change:getMountain(formVariables.country_id);" there is a new way to for binding events. There is also a short form @change="getMountain(formVariables.country_id);"

like image 29
Mahad Ahmed Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09

Mahad Ahmed