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AngularJS - Inject provider to module.config

What I'm doing wrong?
According to documentation, I should be able to inject the provider to module.config...but I'm getting an error - "Unknown Provider"


(function () {
    "use strict";

    angular.module("ab.core", [])
        .provider("ab.core.provider", function () {
            console.log("ab.core.provider - constructor");
            this.$get = function () {
                console.log("ab.core.provider - get");
                return { value: "test" };
        .config(["ab.core.provider", function (myProvider) { console.log("ab.core - config " + myProvider.value); }])
        .run(function () { console.log("ab.core - run"); });

    angular.module("ab", ["ab.core"])
        .config(["ab.core.provider", function () { console.log("ab - config"); }])
        .run(function () { console.log("ab - run"); });

    angular.bootstrap(document, ['ab']);


Actually I have three questions here...
1) How to inject the ab.core.provider to config of ab.core module.
2) How to inject the same provider (ab.core.provider) to config of ab module.
3) If I will inject the same provider to config of both modules, it will be the same instance of provider or it will be two different instances?

Thank you!

like image 587
Alex Dn Avatar asked Nov 13 '13 22:11

Alex Dn

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1 Answers

You need to add the "Provider" suffix, that's how Angular knows, but like shaunhusain said in the comments there are some limitations:


angular.module("ab.core", [])
  .provider("ab.core.provider", function () {

  .config(["ab.core.providerProvider", function(p) {

angular.module("ab", ["ab.core"])
  .config(["ab.core.providerProvider", function(p) {

Follow naming conventions so it looks good, .provider('camelCase', ...)

like image 59
elclanrs Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09
