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Meteor Collection Transform: is it done on the server or on the client? or it depends

I want to use transform to make a "virtual field" out of a collection. However, the new field I'm adding (within the transform function) is adding quite a bit of data to the returned document.

This is fine if the transform is taking place inside the client. If it is done on server-side, then there will be bandwidth concerns.

So I'm wondering if the transform is done on the server, or on the client, or it depends on how I find/fetch the document?

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Dave Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 02:08


People also ask

How does Meteor publishing work?

In Meteor a publication is a named API on the server that constructs a set of data to send to a client. A client initiates a subscription which connects to a publication, and receives that data.

What is Meteor collection?

Collections are Meteor's way of storing persistent data. The special thing about collections in Meteor is that they can be accessed from both the server and the client, making it easy to write view logic without having to write a lot of server code.

3 Answers

UPDATE: It's possible to do a transform on the server.

You can have a transform on the client like this:

return YourCollection.find({}, {transform: function (doc) {
   doc.test = true;
   return true;

Meteor ignores transform on queries that are published (from within Meteor.publish). The client sees the document as if the transform didn't exist.

If you would like to use transforms on the server you can do this:

YourCollection = new Mongo.Collection("collection_name"); 

Meteor.publish("yourRecordSet", function() {

  //Transform function
  var transform = function(doc) {
    doc.date = new Date();
    return doc;

  var self = this;

  var observer = YourCollection.find().observe({
      added: function (document) {
      self.added('collection_name', document._id, transform(document));
    changed: function (newDocument, oldDocument) {
      self.changed('collection_name', newDocument._id, transform(newDocument));
    removed: function (oldDocument) {
      self.removed('collection_name', oldDocument._id);

  self.onStop(function () {


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Tarang Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10


You can add and use the following function:

Meteor.publishWithTransform = function(publicationName, cursorGetter , transform)
    transform = transform || function(o){return o;};
    Meteor.publish(publicationName, function ()
        var cursor = cursorGetter.apply(this, arguments);
        var collectionName = cursor._cursorDescription.collectionName;

        var self = this;

        var observer = cursor.observe({
            added: function (document) {
                self.added(collectionName, document._id, transform(document));
            changed: function (newDocument, oldDocument) {
                self.changed(collectionName, newDocument._id, transform(newDocument));
            removed: function (oldDocument) {
                self.removed(collectionName, oldDocument._id);

        self.onStop(function () {


Usage (server side):

Meteor.publishWithTransform("publication-name", function () {
}, function (item)
    item.aField = "something";
    return item;

Drawback: if you save the published document you will save the added changes as well. Here the client has no clue the property "aField" has been added during the publication.

like image 2
Flavien Volken Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10

Flavien Volken

You can use transform on both sides, when you specify a transform option to the collection or findOne,fetch,etc

transform Function
An optional transformation function. Documents will be passed through this function before being returned from fetch or findOne, and before being passed to callbacks of observe, allow, and deny.

If you need to get raw document from a collection with transform option.

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Suburbio Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10
