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How to get relative path in Javascript?

In my ASP.net web project, I've written the following Javascript code in a .js file:

function getDeviceTypes() {
    var deviceTypes;
        async: false,
        type: "POST",
        url: "Controls/ModelSelectorWebMethods.aspx/getDeviceTypes",
        data: '{ }',
        contentType: "application/json;",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(response) {
            deviceTypes = response.d;
        error: function(xhr, status) {
            alert('Error getting device types.');
    });    // end - $.ajax
    return deviceTypes;

It was working great until I tried to load this .js file into a page in a subdirectory.

Let's suppose that the name of my project is widget.

When I use this code in the main virtual directory, Javascript interprets Controls/ModelSelectorWebMethods.aspx/getDeviceTypes to mean https://mysite.com/widget/Controls/ModelSelectorWebMethods.aspx/getDeviceTypes and all is well. However, from the page in a subdirectory, Javascript interprets it to mean https://mysite.com/widget/subdirectory/Controls/ModelSelectorWebMethods.aspx/getDeviceTypes and it doesn't work.

How can I write my Javascript code so that the AJAX web method can be called from pages in any directory in my application?

like image 699
Vivian River Avatar asked Jun 10 '11 18:06

Vivian River

People also ask

What is a relative path Javascript?

A link that has an absolute path will tell the computer which server to go to and then all the folders that you have to drill down through to get to the target. A link that has a relative path will be written to tell the computer how to get from the folder with the currently viewed topic to the target.

What is an example of relative path?

A relative path is a way to specify the location of a directory relative to another directory. For example, suppose your documents are in C:\Sample\Documents and your index is in C:\Sample\Index. The absolute path for the documents would be C:\Sample\Documents.

How do you pass a relative path in node JS?

relative() Method. The path. relative() method is used to find the relative path from a given path to another path based on the current working directory. If both the given paths are the same, it would resolve to a zero-length string.

1 Answers

As long as you don't care about asp.net virtual directories (which makes it actually impossible to figure out from script, you'll have to pass something from the server) you can look at the URL and parse it:

function baseUrl() {
   var href = window.location.href.split('/');
   return href[0]+'//'+href[2]+'/';


   url: baseUrl()+"Controls/ModelSelectorWebMethods.aspx/getDeviceTypes",

... and now I see from your comments above that virtual directories are a problem. I usually do this.

1) In your masterpage, put code to inject a script somewhere, preferably before anything else (I add it directly to HEAD by adding controls instead of using ScriptManager) to make sure it's run before any other script. c#:

string basePath = Request.ApplicationPath;
// Annoyingly, Request.ApplicationPath is inconsistent about trailing slash
// (if not root path, then there is no trailing slash) so add one to ensure 
// consistency if needed
string myLocation = "basePath='" + basePath + basePath=="/"?"":"/" + "';";
// now emit myLocation as script however you want, ideally in head

2) Change baseUrl to include that:

function baseUrl() {
   var href = window.location.href.split('/');
   return href[0]+'//'+href[2]+basePath;
like image 116
Jamie Treworgy Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Jamie Treworgy