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Warning developers about out of date dependencies

Is there a way in Maven, Hudson, or Sonar to warn on the inclusion of certain out of date artifacts in a build.

For example, consider having a number of internal business jars. Some versions of these jars can go through an end-of-life phase. During this time, it would be nice if any builds that occurred would issue some sort warning and direct the user to some documentation about the issue.

To be clear, builds shouldn't fail. Also, we only want to apply this logic to a certain set of artifacts, not everything.

like image 866
Andrew White Avatar asked Jan 17 '23 14:01

Andrew White

1 Answers

Using the maven dependency plugin you can run this

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates

This will display a list of all artifacts that have newer versions available in the repository. Just have the devs run that every so often and update accordingly.

like image 161
Michael Avatar answered Jan 28 '23 02:01
