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Want a JUnitMatchers AssertThat to test string contains 3 or more sub strings (currently using assertThat ... both ... and ....)

import static org.junit.matchers.JUnitMatchers.both;
import static org.junit.matchers.JUnitMatchers.containsString;

Now I check it contains foo and bar as below ...


What is cleanest way to test also check it contains 3 or more strings e.g. 'foo', 'bar' and 'baz' ?

like image 588
k1eran Avatar asked Jul 01 '13 11:07


People also ask

What does assertThat do in JUnit?

The assertThat is one of the JUnit methods from the Assert object that can be used to check if a specific value match to an expected one. It primarily accepts 2 parameters. First one if the actual value and the second is a matcher object.

How do you check if something contains assert?

StringUtils. containsIgnoreCase("Runaway train", "train")); Assert. assertTrue(StringUtils. containsIgnoreCase("Runaway train", "Train")); We can see that it will check if a substring is contained in a String, ignoring the case.

Can you use assertEquals for strings?

You should always use . equals() when comparing Strings in Java. JUnit calls the . equals() method to determine equality in the method assertEquals(Object o1, Object o2) .

2 Answers

I don't know a elegant way in pure JUnit but you could take a look at Fixtures for Easy Software Testing

I'm using it for quite some time and it makes like so much easier.

like image 43
ssindelar Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10


Use AllOf

 Assert.assertThat(test, CoreMatchers.allOf(
like image 111
John B Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10

John B