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wait child process but get error: 'pid is not a child of this shell'





I write a script to get data from HDFS parrallel,then I wait these child processes in a for loop, but sometimes it returns "pid is not a child of this shell". sometimes, it works well。It's so puzzled. I use "jobs -l" to show all the jobs run in the background. I am sure these pid is the child process of the shell process, and I use "ps aux" to make sure these pids is note assign to other process. Here is my script.

PID=() FILE=() let serial=0  while read index_tar do         echo $index_tar | grep index > /dev/null 2>&1          if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]         then                 continue         fi          suffix=`printf '%03d' $serial`         mkdir input/output_$suffix         $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -cat $index_tar | tar zxf - -C input/output_$suffix \                 && mv input/output_$suffix/index_* input/output_$suffix/index &          PID[$serial]=$!         FILE[$serial]=$index_tar          let serial++  done < file.list  for((i=0;i<$serial;i++)) do         wait ${PID[$i]}          if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]         then                 LOG "get ${FILE[$i]} failed, PID:${PID[$i]}"                 exit -1         else                 LOG "get ${FILE[$i]} success, PID:${PID[$i]}"         fi done 
like image 366
henshao Avatar asked Nov 08 '11 09:11


2 Answers

Just find the process id of the process you want to wait for and replace that with 12345 in below script. Further changes can be made as per your requirement.

#!/bin/sh PID=12345 while [ -e /proc/$PID ] do     echo "Process: $PID is still running" >> /home/parv/waitAndRun.log     sleep .6 done echo "Process $PID has finished" >> /home/parv/waitAndRun.log 



like image 90
Parvinder Singh Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 15:11

Parvinder Singh

Either your while loop or the for loop runs in a subshell, which is why you cannot await a child of the (parent, outer) shell.

Edit this might happen if the while loop or for loop is actually

(a) in a {...} block (b) participating in a piper (e.g. for....done|somepipe)

like image 34
sehe Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 16:11
