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Concatenating two string variables in bash appending newline





I have a variable final_list which is appended by a variable url in a loop as:

while read url; do     final_list="$final_list"$'\n'"$url" done < file.txt 

To my surprise the \n is appended as an space, so the result is:

url1 url2 url3 

while I wanted:

url1 url2 url3 

What is wrong?

like image 968
Aman Deep Gautam Avatar asked Aug 30 '13 14:08

Aman Deep Gautam

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1 Answers

New lines are very much there in the variable "$final_list". echo it like this with double quotes:

echo "$final_list" url1 url2 url3 

OR better use printf:

printf "%s\n" "$final_list" url1 url2 url3 
like image 183
anubhava Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10
