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Vuetify Dialog with Card and fixed Toolbar

As the title states, I have a component that opens a dialog. The dialog contains a card with a toolbar at the top and a form within the card. I am trying to make the toolbar fixed such that it does not disappear when scrolling. I have tried to add the "fixed" attribute to my toolbar but doesnt seem to give me the results I expect. Below is my code and thanks in advance...

  <v-dialog :value="createToggle" @input="onCancel" persistent :fullscreen="$vuetify.breakpoint.xsOnly" :max-width="dialogWidth">
      <v-toolbar fixed flat>
        <v-btn icon>
            <v-icon class="heading grey--text text--darken-4">close</v-icon>
        <v-form ref="form">
            <v-layout row wrap>
              <v-subheader class="">
                <v-flex xs12 v-for="n in 20">
                      label="Field Name"
like image 656
Chris Mancini Avatar asked Oct 20 '18 00:10

Chris Mancini

2 Answers

For me this is work (Vuetify version 2)

  1. Add scrollable prop in <v-dialog>
  2. inside <v-card> use <v-card-title> instead of <v-toolbar>
  3. then your <v-toolbar> put inside <v-card> and remove fixed prop in <v-toolbar>
  4. Last, add class="pa-0" in <v-card-title> for removing the padding in v-card-title element


  <!-- Add Scrollable Prop -->
  <v-dialog scrollable :value="createToggle" @input="onCancel" persistent :fullscreen="$vuetify.breakpoint.xsOnly" :max-width="dialogWidth">

      <v-card-title class="pa-0">
        <v-toolbar flat>
          <v-btn icon>
            <v-icon class="heading grey--text text--darken-4">close</v-icon>


like image 55
Ilham Hanif Anjana Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09

Ilham Hanif Anjana

For browsers that support position: sticky (https://caniuse.com/css-sticky), you can use pure CSS to set the toolbar to be sticky positioned at the top:

.v-dialog > .v-card > .v-toolbar {
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;
  z-index: 999;

You could write this selector differently if you didn't want this applying to all situations where this occurs in your application - add a specific class to your toolbar, for example.

like image 21
Andrew Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09
