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Vuejs2 Modal with route in vue-router



I'm trying to create a route with a modal and when you access with router-link to this router-path appears a modal above the current page or if i access directly from url appears the index with modal above.

For example: I'm in http://localhost/profile/1 and click in the sidebar Create team the url changes to http://localhost/team/create but the page behind the modal still is http://localhost/profile/1.

This is the code i'm trying:


Vue.component('modal', Modal);    
export default new Router({
      mode: 'history',
      routes: [
        path: '/',
        name: 'Hello',
        component: require('@/components/Hello'),
        meta: { auth: false }

        path: '/team',
        name: 'team',
        component: require('@/components/team/Index'),
        meta: { auth: true },
        path: '/team/create',
        name: 'CreateTeam',
        components: {
          b: CreateTeam
        meta: { auth: true }



  <!-- This is the "MODAL" router-view -->
  <router-view name="b"></router-view>              



    <div class="modal">

      <slot name="body"></slot>  
        <button type="button" @click="$emit('close')">×</button>


    <modal @close="vm.$router.go(-1)">

        <div slot="body" class="col-md-12">
        <!-- Form here -->


Everything is working instead that when i go to /create/team behind the modal is empty

like image 437
Snickfire Avatar asked Jun 16 '17 21:06


2 Answers

If anyone needs this solution, i solved this way:

I created a component create-team Vue.component('create-team',CreateTeam) and i put it in the App.vue like this:

<create-team v-if="CreateTeam"></create-team>  

In the same App.vue i created a computed with a vuex getter:

computed: {

    CreateTeam() {
         return store.getters.createTeam

In Sidebar i created a link like this:

 <a @click="CreateTeam" class="user-panel-action-link" href="/create/team">
   <i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> Crear Equipo

And a method CreateTeam

CreateTeam(e) {
      history.pushState('', 'Title of page', '/create/team');


The store.js vuex is simple:

const state = {

    createTeam: false,

const mutations = {

    setTeamModal (state) {
      state.createTeam= true
    deleteTeamModal (state) {
      state.createTeam= false

const actions = {
    setTeamModal: ({ commit }) => commit('setTeamModal')
   deleteTeamModal: ({ commit }) => commit('setTeamModal')

const getters = {

    createTeam: state => state.createTeam

export default new Vuex.Store({

And the last thing is in the CreateTeam.vue component the Close method i made somthing like this:

 Close() {


Maybe someone can make it better, that's my little piece of help


like image 172
Snickfire Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 06:11


If somebody else search for solution for similar problem nice one is presented here. Before redirect to modal route programmatically change components of named routes. Worked for me like a charm with Login/Signup modals.
My notes:
1. Make sure modal routes are not child of any route (I had some problems with default route component).
2. Consider to add router.back() on modal close button.

      path: '/',
      name: 'home',
      component: Home,
      meta: {
        twModalView: true
      path: '/directAccess',
      name: 'directAccess',
      component: DirectAccess
      path: '/:userId/tweet/:id',
      name: 'userTweet',
      beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => {
        const twModalView = from.matched.some(view => view.meta && view.meta.twModalView)

        if (!twModalView) {
          // For direct access
          to.matched[0].components = {
            default: TweetSingle,
            modal: false

        if (twModalView) {
          // For twModalView access
          if (from.matched.length > 1) {
            const childrenView = from.matched.slice(1, from.matched.length)
            for (let view of childrenView) {
          if (to.matched[0].components) {
            to.matched[0].components.default = from.matched[0].components.default
            to.matched[0].components.modal = TweetModal

like image 3
Lynx Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 07:11
