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Refreshing authentication tokens for a Vue.js SPA using Laravel for the backend

I am building a single-page-app with Vue (2.5) using Laravel (5.5) as the backend. Everything works well, except for directly logging in again after having logged out. In this case, the call to /api/user (to retrieve the user's account information and to verify the user's identity once more) fails with a 401 unauthorized (even though the log-in succeeded). As a response, the user is bounced back directly to the login screen (I wrote this measure myself as a reaction to 401 responses).

What does work is to log out, refresh the page with ctrl/cmd+R, and then log in again. The fact that a page refresh fixes my problem, gives me reason to believe that I am not handling refresh of the X-CSRF-TOKEN correctly, or may be forgetting about certain cookies that Laravel uses (as described here ).

This is a snippet of the code of the login form that is executed after a user clicks the login button.

    // Copy the form data
    const data = {...this.user};
    // If remember is false, don't send the parameter to the server
    if(data.remember === false){
        delete data.remember;

    this.authenticating = true;

        .then( this.refreshTokens )
        .catch( error => {
            this.authenticating = false;
            if(error.response && [422, 423].includes(error.response.status) ){
                this.validationErrors = error.response.data.errors;
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            .then( response => {
                window.Laravel.csrfToken = response.data.csrfToken;
                window.axios.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = response.data.csrfToken;
                this.authenticating = false;
                this.$router.replace(this.$route.query.redirect || '/');
                return resolve(response);
            .catch( error => {

the authenticate() method is a vuex action, which calls the login endpoint at the laravel side.

The /refreshTokens endpoint simply calls this Laravel controller function that returns the CSRF token of the currently logged-in user:

public function getCsrfToken(){
    return ['csrfToken' => csrf_token()];

After the tokens have been refetched, the user is redirected to the main page (or another page if supplied) with this.$router.replace(this.$route.query.redirect || '/'); and there the api/user function is called to check the data of the currently logged in user.

Are there any other measures I should take to make this work, that I am overlooking?

Thanks for any help!

EDIT: 07 Nov 2017

After all the helpful suggestions, I would like to add some information. I am using Passport to authenticate on the Laravel side, and the CreateFreshApiToken middleware is in place.

I have been looking at the cookies set by my app, and in particular the laravel_token which is said to hold the encrypted JWT that Passport will use to authenticate API requests from your JavaScript application. When logging out, the laravel_token cookie is deleted. When logging in again directly afterwards (using axios to send an AJAX post request) no new laravel_token is being set, so that's why it doesn't authenticate the user. I am aware that Laravel doesn't set the cookie on the login POST request, but the GET request to /refreshTokens (which is not guarded) directly afterwards should set the cookie. However, this doesn't appear to be happening.

I have tried increasing the delay between the request to /refreshTokens and the request to /api/user, to maybe give the server some time to get things in order, but to no avail.

For completeness sake, here is my Auth\LoginController that is handling the login request server-side:

class LoginController extends Controller
    use AuthenticatesUsers;

     * Where to redirect users after login.
     * @var string
    protected $redirectTo = '/';

     * Create a new controller instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()
        // $this->middleware('guest')->except('logout');

     * Get the needed authorization credentials from the request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return array
    protected function credentials(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
        //return $request->only($this->username(), 'password');
        return ['email' => $request->{$this->username()}, 'password' => $request->password, 'active' => 1];

     * The user has been authenticated.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  mixed  $user
     * @return mixed
    protected function authenticated(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request, $user)
        $user->last_login = \Carbon\Carbon::now();
        $user->timestamps = false;
        $user->timestamps = true;

        return (new UserResource($user))->additional(
            ['permissions' => $user->getUIPermissions()]

     * Log the user out of the application.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function logout(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
like image 978
Daniel Schreij Avatar asked Oct 31 '17 10:10

Daniel Schreij

People also ask

How do you handle the Vue refresh token?

Let's see how the Vue Refresh Token example works with demo UI. – User makes an account login first. – Then user can access resources with available Access Token. – When the Access Token is expired, Vue App automatically send Refresh Token request, receive new Access Token and use it with new request.

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Yes, you can use Laravel with Vue js. Both of them support single page applications, and this combination allows you to be a full stack developer within a single project.

Does Laravel support spa?

Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs (single page applications), mobile applications, and simple, token based APIs.

3 Answers

Considering that you are using an api for authentication, I would suggest using Passport or JWT Authentication to handle authentication tokens.

like image 99
CUGreen Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11


Finally fixed it!

By returning the UserResource directly in the LoginControllers authenticated method, it is not a valid Laravel Response (but I guess raw JSON data?) so probably things like cookies are not attached. I had to attach a call to response() on the resource and now everything seems to work fine (though I need to do more extensive testing).


protected function authenticated(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request, $user)

    return (new UserResource($user))->additional(
        ['permissions' => $user->getUIPermissions()]


protected function authenticated(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request, $user)

    return (new UserResource($user))->additional(
        ['permissions' => $user->getUIPermissions()]
    )->response();  // Add response to Resource

Hurray for the Laravel docs on attributing a section to this: https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/eloquent-resources#resource-responses

Additionally, the laravel_token is not set by the POST request to login, and the call to refreshCsrfToken() also didn't do the trick, probably because it was protected by the guest middleware.

What worked for me in the end is to perform a dummy call to '/' right after the login function returned (or the promise was fulfilled).

In the end, my login function in the component was as follows:

    // Copy the user object
    const data = {...this.user};
    // If remember is false, don't send the parameter to the server
    if(data.remember === false){
        delete data.remember;

    this.authenticating = true;

        .then( csrf_token => {
            window.Laravel.csrfToken = csrf_token;
            window.axios.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = csrf_token;

            // Perform a dummy GET request to the site root to obtain the larevel_token cookie
            // which is used for authentication. Strangely enough this cookie is not set with the
            // POST request to the login function.
                .then( () => {
                    this.authenticating = false;
                    this.$router.replace(this.$route.query.redirect || '/');
                .catch(e => this.showErrorMessage(e.message));
        .catch( error => {
            this.authenticating = false;
            if(error.response && [422, 423].includes(error.response.status) ){
                this.validationErrors = error.response.data.errors;

and the authenticate() action in my vuex store is as follows:

authenticate({ dispatch }, data){
    return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
        axios.post(LOGIN, data)
            .then( response => {
                const {csrf_token, ...user} = response.data;
                // Set Vuex state
                dispatch('setUser', user );
                // Store the user data in local storage
                Vue.ls.set('user', user );
                return resolve(csrf_token);
            .catch( error => reject(error) );

Because I didn't want to make an extra call to refreshTokens in addition to the dummy call to /, I attached the csrf_token to the response of the /login route of the backend:

protected function authenticated(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request, $user)
    $user->last_login = \Carbon\Carbon::now();
    $user->timestamps = false;
    $user->timestamps = true;

    return (new UserResource($user))->additional([
        'permissions' => $user->getUIPermissions(),
        'csrf_token' => csrf_token()
like image 39
Daniel Schreij Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11

Daniel Schreij

You should use Passports CreateFreshApiToken middleware in your web middleware passport consuming-your-api

web => [...,

this attaches attach the right csrftoken() to all your Request headers as request_cookies

like image 28
Jon Awoyele Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11

Jon Awoyele