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Vue.JS - how to use localstorage with Vue.JS

I am working on Markdown editor with Vue.JS, and I tried to use localStorage with it to save data but I don't know how to save new value to data variables in Vue.JS whenever the user types!

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mohamed youssouf Avatar asked Jan 02 '17 11:01

mohamed youssouf

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How do I use local storage on Vue?

vue . Local storage uses the setItem() method to save data as key-value pairs, the data must be a string so we convert the JSON into a string in order to save it from using JSON. stringify() method.

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The localStorage mechanism provides a type of web storage object that lets you store and retrieve data in the browser. You can store and access data without expiration; the data will be available even after a visitor closes your site. You'll normally access localStorage using JavaScript.

1 Answers

Note this was an edit in my question, but I make it separately answer as @nathanvda suggested.

I found the solution that I was looking for. first use watch method to detect changes on variable you are storing data on like this:

watch: {   input: function () {     if (isLocalStorage() /* function to detect if localstorage is supported*/) {       localStorage.setItem('storedData', this.input)     }   } } 

This will update variable’s value whenever user add new inputs.

Then assign the new value to variable like this:

app.input = localStorage.getItem('storedData'); 

And that's it :)

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mohamed youssouf Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

mohamed youssouf