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How do you test for NaN in JavaScript?




I have a variable x and I want to test if x is set to NaN. How do I do that?

My first instinct is probably to, you know, test it, like this:

if (x === NaN) {  ... 

Silly rabbit, no, that would be far too easy. NaN is like NULL in SQL, it is not equal to anything, even itself.

But look, there is a function called isNaN() -- maybe that will do it!

No, so far as I can tell, isNaN() is utterly worthless.

For example, isNaN([""]) properly returns false, but isNaN(["."]) returns true. You don't want do know how I learned about this flaw.

How do I do this?

Turns out, my question is a duplicate of this one, but the selected answer is wrong. The right answer has 20% as many upvotes.

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Michael Lorton Avatar asked May 18 '15 23:05

Michael Lorton

People also ask

How do you check if a Number is NaN in JS?

The Number. isNaN() method returns true if the value is NaN , and the type is a Number.

How do you test for NaN?

Check for NaN with self-equality In JavaScript, the best way to check for NaN is by checking for self-equality using either of the built-in equality operators, == or === . Because NaN is not equal to itself, NaN != NaN will always return true .

How do I check if a variable is NaN?

Use the isNaN() Method In JavaScript, the isNaN() method is useful to check whether is variable is of any other type rather than the number data type. It takes a variable as a parameter and returns a false if the variable is a number. Otherwise, it returns a true Boolean value.

Is NaN () is used to test for NaN?

The isNaN() function determines whether a value is NaN or not. Because coercion inside the isNaN function can be surprising, you may alternatively want to use Number.

1 Answers

Short Answer

For ECMAScript-5 Users:

#1 if(x !== x) {     console.info('x is NaN.'); } else {     console.info('x is NOT a NaN.'); } 

For people using ECMAScript-6:

#2 Number.isNaN(x); 

And For consistency purpose across ECMAScript 5 & 6 both, you can also use this polyfill for Number.isNan

#3 //Polyfill from MDN Number.isNaN = Number.isNaN || function(value) {     return typeof value === "number" && isNaN(value); } // Or Number.isNaN = Number.isNaN || function(value) {          return value !== value; } 

Note: I prefer to test using #1 which works same all places and does not have dependency on latest JS also. (It always gives me correct result. No surprises!)

Detailed Explanation:

Here is our awesome NaN

NaN == NaN; // false NaN === NaN; // false 

Please don't blame JavaScript for this, it is NaN which is supposed to behave this way in other languages also Which is fine as per rationale for all comparisons returning false NaN values

So comes isNaN as our savior, but wait it acts little differently in some scenarios like

isNaN(undefined); // true isNaN({});        // true isNaN("lorem ipsum"); // true 

I had some strange faces by seeing the results above. And here comes reason from MDN

When the argument to the isNaN function is not of type Number, the value is first coerced to a Number. The resulting value is then tested to determine whether it is NaN.

So how should we test NaN for the non-numbers variables at all? I always go by the following

if(x !== x) {     console.info('Is a NaN'); } else {     console.info('Not a NaN'); } 

ECMAScript-6/JavaScript-2015 Updates

Do we have anything in ECMAScript-6 for the same. Yup we do...

Number.isNaN(x); // true 

The ES6 implementation will also be helpful for the above cases like

Number.isNaN(undefined); // false Number.isNaN({}); // false     Number.isNaN("lorem ipsum"); // false 

whereas ECMAScript-5 global function isNaN outputs in true for the above cases, which sometimes may not align with our expectation.

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dopeddude Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09
