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how to render child components in react.js recursively

I wanted to recursively add a react component from within its own component. I saw this example of a tree component which was mapping through the child TreeNodes and adding child nodes in the same way. Unfortunately it doesn't work at all for me. The idea was to have a simple comment component, and the replies would reuse the same component.

var Comment = React.createClass({   render: function() {         return (         <div className="comment">            {/* text and author */}           <div className="comment-text">             <span className="author">{this.props.author}</span>                      <span className="body" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: this.props.body}} />           </div>            {/* replies */}           <div className="replies">            {              this.props.replies.map(function(reply) {                <Comment body={reply.body} author={reply.author} />              }.bind(this))           }           </div>        </div>     );   } }); 

I get the following error message:

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'Comment': Please use the 'new' operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.

here is an example of the JSON data passed to the component.

{ "author" : "Some user",   "body" : "<div>Great work</div>",   "replies" : [ { "author" : "A user replying",         "body" : "<div Yes it was great work</div>"       },       { "author" : "Another user replying",         "body" : "<div It really was great work!</div>"       }     ] } 
like image 253
svnm Avatar asked Jan 29 '15 00:01


People also ask

Can React components be recursive?

A Practical Use for Recursion in React Follow along to understand the ins and outs of a working React Tree component powered by recursion + React rendering. Giving our component nested data in the following shape, we'll now have a functioning, modular, and recursive component ready for use!

What is recursive rendering in React?

Recursion in React We just explained that a function can call itself. Since a React component is also a function, it can render itself as well: Again, rendering the above would result in an infinite loop because we don't have conditions that terminate the loop.

How do you force render a child component?

Simply use forceUpdate method to force React to Re-Render the component.

Can a React component render itself?

One of the cool things about React is that React components are essentially functions which return JSX. Therefore, just like with any other functions, React components can be recursive.

1 Answers

Here's an alternative in ES6:

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'  export default class Comments extends Component {    render() {      const { children } = this.props      return (       <div className="comments">         {children.map(comment =>           <div key={comment.id} className="comment">             <span>{comment.content}</span>             {comment.children && <Comments children={comment.children}/>}           </div>         )}       </div>     )    }  }  Comments.propTypes = {   children: PropTypes.array.isRequired } 

And is some other component:

<Comments children={post.comments}/> 
like image 53
Francisco Aquino Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 11:10

Francisco Aquino