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Vue.js component lifecycle for children

What order are child components created and mounted in? I know that the lifecycle for a single component is documented here, but I couldn't find anything that described when children were created and mounted.

For example, what is the creation and mounting order for the following component?

    <div class='parent'>
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TheSlimyDog Avatar asked Sep 20 '18 21:09


2 Answers

I found this article to be especially helpful in explaining the order of parent/child lifecycle hooks execution. This diagram in particular offers a nice summary of the process.

Vue parent/child components' lifecycle hooks execution order

Also have a look at this post by LinusBorg on the vuejs forum.

  • beforeCreate() and created() of the parent run first.
  • Then the parent’s template is being rendered, which means the child components get created.
  • so now the children’s beforeCreate() and created() hooks execute respectively.
  • these child components mount to DOM elements, which calls their beforeMount() and mounted() hooks.
  • and only then, after the parent’s template has finished, can the parent be mounted to the DOM, so finally the parent’s beforeMount() and mounted() hooks are called.
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Husam Ibrahim Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Husam Ibrahim

In Vue 3, the lifecycle hook execution order can be found in a part of its tests.

The rule of thumb is: with the exception of created hooks (which are now replaced by setup()), all hooks prefixed with before executes top-down (parent run first) while the "after" hooks execute bottom-up (children run first).

Both beforeCreated and created hooks execute top-down, however (as a child can only be created after the parent renders).

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Tatsuyuki Ishi Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Tatsuyuki Ishi