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Vue js - Get Answer from Dialog to confirm navigation w/ Vue Router + Vuetify

If I have a vue template with a vuetify dialog (but really any dialog for that matter), How do I use it to confirm navigation away from the page in vue-router's beforeRouteLeave method?


            <v-dialog v-model="dialog" max-width="290" ref="popup">
                    <v-card-title class="headline">Are you sure you wish to leave this page?</v-card-title>
                    <v-card-text>Better think long and hard.</v-card-text>
                        <v-btn color="primary darken-1" flat="flat" @click.native="dialog = false">Nah</v-btn>
                        <v-btn color="primary darken-1" flat="flat" @click.native="dialog = false">Yah</v-btn>

<script src="./dialogTest.ts"></script>


import Vue from 'vue';
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';


export default class DialogTestComponent extends Vue {

    dialog: boolean = false;

    beforeRouteLeave(to: Object, from: Object, next: Function) {

        //this works, but obviously doesn't use our dialog -> how do we get yah or nah response from dialog instead?
        const answer =  window.confirm('Do you really want to leave? you have unsaved changes!')
        if (answer) {
        } else {
like image 235
Mark Z. Avatar asked Mar 01 '18 08:03

Mark Z.

2 Answers

I like to do this with promises. Give your dialog a pop() method that returns a promise, then resolve the promise with true or false when your user chooses. Or call clickYah() from your unit test. Something like this...

// in your dialog component....
    return {active : false, resolve: null};
methods : {
        this.active = true;
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
            this.resolve = resolve;
        this.active = false;
        this.active = false;

// then to call it...
.then(confirmResult => next(confirmResult));
like image 166
bbsimonbb Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 04:11


@bbsimonbb - thanks for the great and quick answer.

Here's my final in ts:

In the parent component (which contains our ConfirmLeaveDialog component with ref="confirmLeavePopup"):

async beforeRouteLeave(to: Object, from: Object, next: Function) {
    next(await (this.$refs.confirmLeavePopup as ConfirmLeaveDialog).pop()); 

In the ConfirmLeaveDialog vue class component (I renamed the component's storage of resolve func to be "answer" instead):

import Vue from 'vue';
import { Component, Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator';

export default class ConfirmLeaveDialog extends Vue {

    @Prop({ default: 'Are you sure you wish to leave this page?' })
    question: any;

    active: boolean = false;
    answer: Function = () => { return false }; //. had to provide the type and initialize

    pop(): Promise<boolean> {
        this.active = true;
        return new Promise<boolean>((resolve: Function, reject: Function) => { //. note the arrow function here such that 'this' refers to the component, NOT the calling context
            this.answer = resolve;

    confirmLeave(): void {
        this.active = false;

    abortLeave(): void {
        this.active = false;
like image 24
Mark Z. Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 03:11

Mark Z.