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Vue Trigger watch on mounted

I have a vue component below that I want to watch to trigger on when it's getting mounted. How do I do that?

Vue.component('check-mark', {   name: 'check-mark',   template: `<input :value="value"/>`,   props: {     value: {       type: String,       required: true,     },   },   mounted: async function () {     //trigger this.value watch() here   },   watch: {     value: function (value) {       if (value == 'Y') {         this.class = 'checked';       } else {         this.class = 'unchecked';       }     },   }, }); 
like image 236
Raza Avatar asked Jul 20 '17 18:07


People also ask

How do you trigger a watch in Vue?

To trigger the Vue watch method, you should assign a new city name to the value property of the ref object.

What is vue3 watch?

A watchers provide Vue Js users the ability to produce side effect in reaction to a change in state in one or more reactive variables. Watch are very similar to computed properties as they are both defined as a feature that allows the user to “watch” for a property or data change.

Can you watch a computed property Vue?

You can put a watcher on any reactive property. This includes computed props, props, as well as data that is specified inside of data() on your Vue component. They're really useful for creating side effects — things that don't update your application's state immediately.

What is immediate in Vue watch?

The immediate optionWatchers are not activated immediately unless the value you are watching has changed. But in some cases, we may want to perform certain actions with the initial value of the property we are watching.

1 Answers

As of Vue 2.0, there is now a way to do it in the watcher itself, using immediate: true.
There's a minor caveat for when in the lifecycle this runs the watcher, see edit.

Before using this, ensure you really need a watcher rather than a computed property.

There are many advantages to computed properties and more often than not they are the better solution.

This functionality should only be used if computed properties are insufficient.

In the specific case of the original question, a computed property for class would definitely be better, but posted this just in case other people stumble across this post with a case where a computed property won't do (as I did).

Watchers can be an object instead of just a function, and take property immediate that tells vue to run the watcher when the component is created (different from mounted).

The function that is run is then in the handler property.

So, in your example, your watcher could be:

watch: {     value: {         handler: function(value) {             if (value == 'Y') {                 this.class = 'checked';             } else {                 this.class = 'unchecked';             }         },         immediate: true     }, } 


It was pointed out in the comments that the immediate option triggers the watcher when the component is created rather than when mounted. In simple cases, these can be seen as equivalent.
If you really want specifically the run when mounted functionality for a watcher, you could simply have the field you're watching be some dummy value, say null or undefined, and then actually initialize it in the mounted() hook. The above example would become:

data() {     return {         value: undefined     } }, mounted() {     // Set value to actual initial value,     // which will trigger the watcher     this.value = 'Y'; }, watch: {     value(value) {         if (value == 'Y') {             this.class = 'checked';         } else {             this.class = 'unchecked';         }     } }  
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obermillerk Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 04:10
