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Vue JS: Difference of data() { return {} } vs data:() => ({ })

I'm curious both of this data function, is there any difference between this two.

I usually saw is

data () {   return {     obj   } } 

And ES6 fat arrow (=>) which I typically used

data:()=>({   obj }) 
like image 741
BGTabulation BGTabulate Avatar asked Feb 26 '18 03:02

BGTabulation BGTabulate

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1 Answers

No difference in your specific example, but there is a very important difference between those two notations, specially when it comes to Vue.js: the this won't reflect the vue instance in arrow functions.

So if you ever have something like:

export default {     props: ['stuffProp'],     data: () => ({       myData: 'someData',       myStuff: this.stuffProp     }) } 

It won't work as you expect. The this.stuffProp won't get the stuffProp prop's value (see below for more on the reason why).


Change the arrow function to, either (ES6/EcmaScript 2015 notation):

export default {     props: ['stuffProp'],     data() {                                   // <== changed this line       return {         myData: 'someData',         myStuff: this.stuffProp       }     } } 

Or to (regular, ES5 and before, notation):

export default {     props: ['stuffProp'],     data: function() {                           // <== changed this line      return {         myData: 'someData',         myStuff: this.stuffProp       }     } } 


Don't use arrow functions (() => {}) when declaring Vue methods. They pick up the this from the current scope (possibly window), and will not reflect the Vue instance.

From the API Docs:

Note that you should not use an arrow function with the data property (e.g. data: () => { return { a: this.myProp }}). The reason is arrow functions bind the parent context, so this will not be the Vue instance as you expect and this.myProp will be undefined.

like image 111
acdcjunior Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 16:10
