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How to prevent submitting the HTML form's input field value if it empty

I have HTML form with input fields. Some of inputs can be empty, i.e. the value is "".

<input name="commentary" value="">

Just now, when commentary field is not set, it appears in submit url like: &commentary=

How I can remove empty inputs from the submit url, so when the commentary input is empty it would not be passed at all.

Thank you very much.


Thanks to minitech answer, I could resolve it. JavaScript code is below:

$('#my-form-id').submit(function() {   var commentary = $('#commentary').val();    if (commentary === undefined || commentary === "") {     $('#commentary').attr('name', 'empty_commentary');   } else {     $('#commentary').attr('name', 'commentary');           } }); 

The only reason I have prefixed field name with "empty_" is that IE passes empty name in URL anyway.

like image 727
nonezumi Avatar asked Nov 06 '11 18:11


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1 Answers

This can only be done through JavaScript, as far as I know, so if you rely on this functionality you need to restructure. The idea, anyway, is to remove the name attribute from inputs you don’t want included:


$('#my-form-id').submit(function () {     $(this)         .find('input[name]')         .filter(function () {             return !this.value;         })         .prop('name', ''); }); 

No jQuery:

var myForm = document.getElementById('my-form-id');  myForm.addEventListener('submit', function () {     var allInputs = myForm.getElementsByTagName('input');      for (var i = 0; i < allInputs.length; i++) {         var input = allInputs[i];          if (input.name && !input.value) {             input.name = '';         }     } }); 

You might also want to reset the form afterwards, if you use a listener and cancel.

like image 186
Ry- Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09
