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Did this JavaScript break the console?

Just doing some JavaScript stuff in google chrome (don't want to try in other browsers for now, in case this is really doing real damage) and I'm not sure why this seemed to break my console.

>var x = "http://www.foo.bar/q?name=%%this%%"; <undefined >x 

After x (and enter) the console stops working... I restarted chrome and now when I do a simple


It's giving me

Console was cleared 

And not clearing the console. Now in my scripts console.log's do not register and I'm wondering what is going on. 99% sure it has to do with the double percent signs (%%).

Anyone know what I did wrong or better yet, how to fix the console?

A bug report for this issue has been filed here.

Edit: Feeling pretty dumb, but I had Preserve log checked... That's why the console wasn't clearing.

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user2879041 Avatar asked Jan 07 '15 21:01


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You can't. What's in the console can't be read from JavaScript. console. logs contains all what was logged.

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You use the break statement to terminate a loop early such as the while loop or the for loop. If there are nested loops, the break statement will terminate the innermost loop. You can also use the break statement to terminate a switch statement or a labeled statement.

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Press Command+Option+J (Mac) or Control+Shift+J (Windows, Linux, ChromeOS) to open the Console, right here on this very page.

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See JavaScript: Tips and Tricks for similar articles. You can use Google Chrome's Console to practice JavaScript. Click on the three-vertical-dot icon in the upper right of Google Chrome.

1 Answers

As discussed in the comments, there are actually many different ways of constructing a string that causes this issue, and it is not necessary for there to be two percent signs in most cases.

http://example.com/% http://%%% http://ab% http://%ab http://%zz 

However, it's not just the presence of a percent sign that breaks the Chrome console, as when we enter the following well-formed URL, the console continues to work properly and produces a clickable link.


Additionally, the strings http://%, and http://%% will also print properly, since Chrome will not auto-link a URL-link string unless the http:// is followed by at least 3 characters.

From here I hypothesized that the issue must be in the process of linking a URL string in the console, likely in the process of decoding a malformed URL. I remembered that the JavaScript function decodeURI will throw an exception if given a malformed URL, and since Chrome's developer tools are largely written in JavaScript, could this be the issue that is evidently crashing the developer console?

To test this theory, I ran Chrome by the command link, to see if any errors were being logged.

Indeed, the same error you would see if you ran decodeURI on a malformed URL (i.e. decodeURI('http://example.com/%')) was being printed to the console:

[4810:1287:0107/164725:ERROR:CONSOLE(683)] "Uncaught URIError: URI malformed", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools.js (683)

So, I opened the URL chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools.js in Chrome, and on line 683, I found the following.

{var parsedURL=new WebInspector.ParsedURL(decodeURI(url));var origin;var folderPath;var name;if(parsedURL.isValid){origin=parsedURL.scheme+"://"+parsedURL.host;if(parsedURL.port) 

As we can see, decodeURI(url) is being called on the URL without any error checking, thus throwing the exception and crashing the developer console.

A real fix for this issue will come from adding error handling to the Chrome console code, but in the meantime, one way to avoid the issue would be to wrap the string in a complex data type like an array to prevent parsing when logging.

var x = "http://example.com/%"; console.log([x]); 

Thankfully, the broken console issue does not persist once the tab is closed, and will not affect other tabs.


Apparently, the issue can persist across tabs and restarts if Preserve Log is checked. Uncheck this if you are having this issue.

Update 2:

As of Chrome 40, this issue is fixed.

like image 132
Alexander O'Mara Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Alexander O'Mara